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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 466

If I had any doubt before that something was bothering him, it’s gone. I can almost see the pain in his face, the music, and the way he’s pouring his soul into it.

I wait, as his fingers fly over the piano keys, his heart thundering louder with every touch. Somehow the music feels nostalgic, reminding me of pain and anguish…

The song comes to an end, and he lowers his head, slamming his fist on the piano.

“What’s gotten you so worked up?” I ask quietly.

He tenses his head, jerking towards me. “What are you doing here?” he asks, his eyes cold.

“I came to ask you something,” I say as I walk towards him. He stands up, looking me square in the eyes.

“And what might that be?”


“Why what?” he asks.

“Why did she leave?”

There’s a shift in his heartbeat and he exhales in irritation, his nostrils flaring. “Who?”

“Who? Really? Adriana, your mate, right? That’s why she left, isn’t it?” I close the distance between us, my aura raging around me. He counters with his own, his eyes blazing. “Tell me, did you reject her? That is why you were avoiding her from the start. Why you didn’t want her to be anywhere near you? You figured it out before she did, right?”

“You don’t know anything, get out of my way,” he hisses.

“I know enough.” I snarl, shoving him. “Tell me, why are you such a pussy?”

Chapter 0466 1

Chapter 0466 2


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