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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 57

ZAIA. I’m blanketed in warmth, and I snuggle against the firm chest in front of me, biting my lip when I feel something hard poking my stomach. My core clenches and I arch my back, wanting something between my thighs…

A deep husky growl rumbles in the chest before me and I let out a moan when a pair of lips touch my neck. Oh, fuck yes…

I gasp in pleasure as they suck on my neck, his cock throbbing against my stomach, when I suddenly freeze, my eyes snapping open. What am I doing?

“Sebastian…” Only it comes out as a horny moan. “Fuck…” He growls, his hand raking down my bare back, my hardened nipples press against his chest and my heart thumps as I realise my dress is not covering my breasts at all having moved out of position whilst I slept.

I love the way his body feels against mine, the promise of what he has to offer, the tantalising throb of his manhood that is standing to attention, ready to be played with and pleasured by. We can’t do this again…

“Sebastian, I have to go,” I say quietly, “I gently combing my fingers through the back of his hair. I bite back a moan as I shy away from his touch.

He tenses as if just realising the situation we’re in. He moves back slowly, grunting slightly as he rolls onto his back, and I quickly fix my dress, covering my breasts as I sit up. How did I even get into his arms again?

I glance over at him, not knowing what to say, and realise his eyes are closed, one arm resting on his forehead. He looks a little healthier today. I’m giving him mixed signals. I can’t fault him for his reaction…

I don’t know what to say and glance at the bathroom. “Do you need any help?” I ask quietly. “Nothing you can help me with,” he responds quietly.

“Ok, I’ll see you soon,” I say. I slide off the bed and rush to the door as fast as I can without breaking into an actual run.

He doesn’t respond and I pause, glancing back at him to see him lower his pants. My stomach flutters, and desire rushes through me as he pulls out his hard shaft.  “Close the door on your way out.” He says arrogantly, as he shamelessly runs his hand down his shaft.

My pussy clenches as my eyes dip to his manhood, and it takes all my willpower to turn away and walk out of that room with burning cheeks and a pounding heart.

I close the door behind me. The last thing I hear is a low groan escape from him, my own body aching for a release that I know I won’t get.

An hour later, I still feel a bit flustered, unable to remove that image of him stroking his dick from my mind. The urge to get down on my knees and take his cock into my mouth is enticing.

Fuck… Focus Zaia!

“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me Seb is up, Zaia!” I look up from where I am styling Sia’s hair into two piggy tails when Jai pops his head in, his eyes are sparkling and he’s grinning from ear to ear.

“Oh? Have you seen him?” I ask, trying not to think of him stroking his cock. “Just now, Melanie asked if I could take him breakfast.” He says, grinning. I can’t help but smile back. He reminds me of a kid on Christmas.

“Things are looking up. Valerie is waking up and Bastien is healing.” I say, glancing out at the sky before I look back at Jai as I put two little black bows in Sia’s hair.

It gives me strength too, knowing that things are looking up. “Yes! Damn, yeah, we got this.” He makes a fist before he smiles at me, winking at Sia before he leaves.

She looks at me, raising her eyebrows.” Why is he so happy?” She asks in her cute little voice. “Because those ill people are getting better,” Zion answers for me as he focuses on the boat he’s building.

“Oh.” Sia nods in understanding and I take a deep breath. “So… you guys have met Aunty Valerie today I want you to meet our other guest.” I begin.

“Who is he?” Zion asks, looking at me sharply. He’s been curious about Sebastian for a while… Has he seen him or something?

“He’s…” I look down, beckoning Zion over to me. I look them both over, both a mix of Sebastian and I, our little beautiful angels.

Sia is wearing a pretty little white lace dress with black collars and cuffs and two pearl buttons on her neck and sleeve cuffs. She’s wearing matching black shoes and white knee-high socks.

Zion is in a white T-shirt with a wolf on it, black jeans, and black boots. I brush his black hair back and look into those eyes that are just like his dad’s.


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