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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 69

69. A Triquetra

SEBASTIAN. If I could take away all her worries I would. Night has fallen and we’re in the woods where she had decided to hold this gathering. She’s planning something and although I don’t know the details, I’m worried about her.

She’s dressed in a white simple dress, and nude-coloured sandals and her hair is open. She’s wearing soft make- up and no jewellery but something about her tonight looks extremely alluring and even ethereal. She is a beauty, one that nothing can compare to, and her amethyst eyes are vibrant.

The symbols on her arms from the henna stain have faded, but they are still visible, and she keeps looking at them. I don’t miss the fact she’s holding the book that contains the little information regarding the Blood Born.

She’s going to do something tonight, but when I asked her, she simply said she knows what she’s doing and to trust her.

I’m worried she’s keeping too much inside. She’s been on the brink of breaking down a couple of times but she’s pushing through. I’m just going crazy, worried that something will happen soon, and it will be the final nail in the coffin for her and it ends up being too much for her. I don’t want her to break down because she’s doing far too much.

It’s windy tonight, but the moon is glowing through the trees. I like the night, the feel of nature around me, the rustle of the wind through the leaves and the smell of the earth beneath my feet.

This is where I feel most at peace. The perfect night for a run. I look around the trees. I had settled for sweatpants and a t-shirt, but there’s clearly many here in suits and formal attire…

The glances I’m getting are filled with curiosity, nervousness, and even fear. It’s a little amusement and I bring forward my wolf, letting my eyes glow in the night, and I almost smirk when they step back. Scared of their own kind, pathetic.

“Zaia.” That voice makes my amusement vanish and I turn when I see Atticus pull her into his arms for a hug. My eyes blaze once again, and I let my aura surge around me.

His eyes snap up to mine and he smirks, his demeanour turning colder as he slowly moves back. “Alpha Sebastian, it’s been a while.”

“Alpha Payne.” In the fucking ass. “It sure has.” He smirks and nods as Zaia looks between us, clearly not sure about how things are between us. I am tempted to punch that cocky look off his face, but for her, I decide to let him keep his teeth.

He still has his hand on her shoulder, but I’m satisfied when she moves away. The urge to crush it was extremely appealing. Zaia places her hand on my arm and smiles gently at Atticus.

“Best behaviour, please. The both of you,” she whispers to us both. “We’re not children that we are going to start hitting one another, Zaia.” Atticus smirks. Of course, he’d say that, knowing that I want to break his damn pretty boy face.

“No, but I’m not against a one-on-one match with you, so I can take you to the brink of death, or better, unalive you entirely. I’m totally for that.”

As predicted, it takes Zaia a moment to comprehend what I mean, and her gorgeous amethyst eyes widen.

“Sebastian!” she scolds, appalled, as Atticus chuckles. “Don’t worry too much about him, Zaia, he’s just jealous of our friendship,” he says, leaning closer to her and fucking brushing her hair back. She smiles at him again, but I hide my irritation instead, placing my arm around her shoulders loosely.

“Oh, absolutely not. I mean, clearly, even with all those years together, that is just how far you got. Still in the friend zone.” I taunt him.

Atticus’s smile vanished and I smirk. If that’s how he wants to play, then so be it.  “Bastien behave.” Zaia scolds, “This is not the time for macho behaviour.”

I don’t miss the jealousy in his eyes, and I can’t help but smirk. “For you, of course. As long as I’m repaid.” I wink at her. She gives me a look before she pulls away and my gaze dips to her breasts.

She’s beautiful… her smooth, supple cleavage is on display, her breasts begging for some attention, and I’d happily give them all the attention they need…

Hugh clears his throat behind me, and I turn to him smoothly. He is pushing Valerie’s wheelchair. “A little discretion, Alpha Sebastian? Please do have a little shame.”

“I don’t really have any,” I respond as Zaia blushes before she looks at Valerie. Looking at her now, you can tell how thin she has become.

She’s wearing a peach dress, but the time spent immobile in bed means it’ll take time before she can walk again even if she was given physio whilst in a coma. Her body and muscles are far too weak. Zaia crouches before her, cupping her face.

“You look beautiful, Val.” She says softly.

“Thanks… So do you, Zaia.” Valerie replies. She’s been uneasy and has only been comfortable around Zaia but she’s hiding something… I just don’t know what.

I’m certain she knows something, although she says she doesn’t. She just needs a little time, time we don’t have.


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