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I Am The Luna (Moonlight Muse) novel Chapter 88

A Small Victory 

ZAIA.  It’s the following day. After what I learned from Aran, I was unable to face Sebastian yesterday. I didn’t want to talk to him, and after everything, I needed a moment to gather my strength. I didn’t want to go before him and break down.

So, instead, I put everything into preparing for his release. I don’t believe what Aran has said. I refuse to believe it. There’s just something that isn’t right.

Gerard still wants us apart. Maybe being together will help Sebastian. I can’t give up on him. I will NOT give up on him.

Gerard is in prison and that should give me some peace of mind, but Aran’s words have reinforced that worry even if I don’t believe them.

I didn’t sleep last night and for a short while, I felt like everything was spiralling out of control. I couldn’t bring myself to tell anyone what Aran had told me, because I couldn’t bear the seed of doubt in my mind.

I now stand in the council room where I have sworn an oath of truth before I tell them exactly what happened with Gerard and with that statement, I bring forward some of the notes Sebastian had received. The threats that we better stay away from one another… The sinister warnings. The Blood Born and everything else.

I finish with the confirmation of his poisoning of Sia and welcomed them to sample her blood too.

The Sable knew I wasn’t going to hold back; I have openly challenged them with my stubbornness, and there’s no time to lose.

The more I read the notes, the more I look through them, it becomes clearer than ever that they want us apart. They need us apart and with every card that I look down upon; I realise that my decision must be correct. Sebastian and I, need to be together. No matter what.

“We have made our decision, Alpha.” I look at the court members as they stop whispering amongst themselves. They’ve come to a decision.

“As a combined decision, we have come to the agreement that Alpha Sebastian/may be acquitted from prison and that you, Alpha Zaia, will not be held responsible for the events that led to Alpha Gerard King’s injury.” The man speaks clearly, glancing at the audience.

“However, we hope that you, Alpha Zaia, will make sure that you reach out to his pack and family to explain exactly what happened because we cannot afford to be at odds with his pack. Further action can only be taken once he is awake.” He finishes.

“Understood, and thank you,” I say, feeling a wave of relief rush over me. “No, we thank you for allowing us to judge this despite you being our leader.” They nod their heads in unison and I smile gently.

I knew it was a risk, to tell the truth, but for him. to be free I was willing to take it, in hopes they’d understand, and they did. One of the women now rises to her feet.

“Alpha Zaia, I think there’s a lot of changes needed in this pack, if what you speak is so dire, then we should make haste. Let’s show the goddess that we have not forgotten her.”

“I think that’s an excellent idea, Margaret,” I answer. “Let’s set a meeting with those in charge of security, training and all the important figures in our pack. Perhaps we can think of something together.”

“Of course, and I am certain you will want to release Alpha Sebastian now.”

I blush lightly as I feel all eyes on myself. “Yes, it’s hard being apart from him and knowing he is locked up when he is innocent.”

“Then we will not bother you today. I will set the meeting for tomorrow evening so everyone can make sure to have things in place so they can attend.” Tomorrow evening… I also need to meet Olivan tomorrow night… It should be okay.

“Thank you,” I say simply. I give Jai a thumbs up and he gives me a nod and a double thumbs up. Mouthing ‘well done.’

I hurry down from the dais wanting to get him out of prison immediately. Reaching the doors to the Pack Hall I push them wide open as I step out into the light and smile up at the dreary skies. Even this cloudy day cannot dampen my mood. “Hold up!” Jai says as he rushes to catch up and I smile across at him as a sudden idea comes to mind. “I have a better idea.”

He raises an eyebrow. “Oh?” I nod vigorously. “I want to welcome him back properly… can you get him from prison and keep him occupied for at least two hours?” I ask, unable to stop the jittery excitement that’s bubbling inside of me.

He folds his arm, tilting his head. “I would have thought you’d want to see him immediately. I’m thinking you’re up to something. Does it mean you’ll cook him all his favourite dishes and I get to eat them too?”

My heart squeezes as I remember the last time I cooked for him, and I nod. “Yes… we will make new memories.” I say softly, brushing a strand of my hair back.

The past didn’t hurt as much anymore, but the memories remain. “Understood. Don’t worry, I’ll go get your man and I’ll keep him busy for the next two hours.”

“Thank you, Jai, you are the best.” I pat his cheek and he gives me a pout. “Now you’re treating me like a pet.” I chuckle at that. “No, you’re like a sibling that I never had.”

“Well, I’m happy to be so. Keep me updated if you need me to bring anything home.”

“I will, thanks!” I hurry to the waiting car and head back to the safe house. I quickly text Valerie that Sebastian will be home and ask how Sia is.

I then quickly make a list for Justin to get us some groceries from the shops, send it to him, and order a few items, including a cake topper that I want him to collect too.


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