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I became the Purchased Wife Of The Lycan Prince (Hope and Logan) novel Chapter 117

Chapter 117 

Hope surveyed their new bedroom and realized it needed some interior design touches. Knowing Logan’s preference for darker colors, she decided to opt for warm tones to create a space that appealed to both of them. After placing orders for various items online, Hope set her phone aside and headed to the bathroom for a quick shower

As she undressed and placed her clothes in the laundry basket, the door suddenly opened. Despite knowing it was Logan, Hope couldn’t help but feel selfconscious

Hope’s arms instinctively crossed over her chest as she looked up at Logan. Oh, you’re showering. Why didn’t you close the door?he asked, scratching the back of his head in mild confusion

A mischievous smile graced Hope’s lips as she replied, Maybe I wanted my husband to join me.” 

Logan returned her smile and stepped into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. With deliberate slowness, he began unbuttoning his shirt as he made his way toward her

Meanwhile, Hope’s arms gradually dropped to her sides, revealing her figure to Logan’s intense gaze


As Logan brought his hands to her lower back, Hope reciprocated by moving her hands to his nape. Their lips met in a fiery kiss, igniting a passionate connection between them. Their movements guided them toward the counter next to the sink, their bodies pressing together in an intimate embrace

With equal fervor, they nibbled at each other’s lips, lost in the intensity of the moment. Hope’s hands trailed slowly from Logan’s shoulders to his chest, her fingers tracing tantalizing patterns on his skin as their kiss deepened

Logan withdrew from the kiss, burying his face in the crook of Hope’s neck. His hands parted her legs, resting on her thighs and giving them a light squeeze

MmmHnghHope moaned softly, the sweet, pleasurable sensations coursing through her body heightening her desire for him. She longed for his touch to ignite the fire within her

Meanwhile, Logan suckled on her neck, leaving red marks on her soft skin. His right hand moved swiftly to her left curve, caressing it sensually and tenderly, his. touch sending shivers down her spine

Chapter 117 

Logan continued his sensual exploration, moving further down to kiss below Hope’s collarbone, his lips trailing a path of desire toward her right breast. As he nipped at her sensitive flesh, Hope’s head arched back, a low cry escaping her lips, aching with pleasure and anticipation

Logan wasted no time in dropping to his knees, his lips leaving a trail of kisses up Hope’s legs, alternating between them as he worshipped her body. Hope’s fingers tangled in his locks, her anticipation building as she knew what was to come next

With gentle care, Logan peeled off the last piece of clothing from Hope’s body, before meeting his lips in her forbidden region

Her cries and moans grew louder as she begged him for more, her desire reaching new heights with each of his expert touches. His fingers worked wonders, sending waves of ecstasy coursing through her entire body until she finally reached her climax, her entire being shuddering in euphoria

Open your mouth!Logan commanded, his voice thick with desire, as he stood up and brought his mouth close to Hope’s

Eagerly, she complied, and they shared another passionate kiss, their mouths intertwining as she tasted herself on his lips. One of Hope’s hands moved down to his trousers, while the other remained on his nape, pulling him closer

Logan groaned against her mouth, his hand cradling her neck before giving it a light squeeze as he cursed under his breath, Fuck!” 

Baby, I’m hard,Logan confessed huskily, detaching his lips from hers

Let me pleasure you,Hope whispered seductively, licking her lips as she trailed kisses down his chest, then further down to his abdomen. With eager hands, she pulled down his trousers, ready to take him

Logan gazed down at her with a hunger that matched her own, meeting her lustful gaze. And then, in that moment of raw desire and passion, it happened

Logan’s grip tightened on Hope’s hair as she took him into her mouth, her skilled movements driving him wild with pleasure. With a firm grasp, he pulled her up to him, capturing her lips in a searing kiss before effortlessly lifting her into his arms

They reached the shower room, where Logan swiftly turned on the tap. Giggles escaped Hope’s lips as the cold water cascaded down her body. Pulling Logan in with her, they began to clean each other, their laughter echoing off the tiled walls

Suddenly, Logan closed off the shower, causing Hope to tilt her head in confusion


11:10 Thu, 21 Mar G GA 

Chapter 117 

wondering what he had in mind


I want to feel your insides,Logan whispered huskily into Hope’s ear, his words sending shivers down her spine. Nipping gently at her earlobe, he elicited a moan from her lips. Pressing her against the shower wall, Logan’s body melded with hers, his desire palpable in his actions

Mmm…” Hope moaned as Logan entered her, her nails digging into his skin as waves of pleasure washed over her. He peppered her cheek, lips, and neck with kisses, his touch soothing and arousing her simultaneously

Futk, you feel incredible,Logan cursed breathlessly, lost in the intensity of their connection

After a long and passionate lovemaking session in the shower, Logan tenderly brought Hope to the bedroom, where they were both wrapped in cozy bathrobes. As he gently laid her on the bed, he pulled up the duvet to cover her. Hope drew him close under the duvet, snuggling up to him

It feels amazing, Logan,Hope whispered, her hand resting on his firm chest as they basked in the afterglow of their love

I feel the same way,Logan replied, planting a soft kiss on Hope’s forehead. Hope, I can’t imagine my life without you. You know that. And I still believe Daniel shouldn’t have gone unpunished,he expressed his opinion

I think he was coerced. We need to find out who could be behind this,Hope suggested to him, her mind already racing with thoughts of uncovering the truth

Since you’re advising this, I’ll follow your lead,” Logan agreed, touching the pendant on Hope’s neck. But don’t let anyone else see it. People are already curious, and it could make you a target again,he warned her

I won’t,” Hope promised, though she couldn’t help but worry about the difficulty of keeping such a secret. But what if it’s revealed?she asked Logan

No one will find out,Logan assured her, his confidence soothing her fears. Lying in each other’s embrace, they soon drifted off to sleep

Roaxana delicately placed her wine glass on the table, signaling the end of her meal. That was a truly delicious Italian meal,” she complimented, raising her napkin to her mouth and dabbing it across her lips with grace

Chapter 117 

hu, 21 Mar 

Ryan smiled warmly, pleased to see that Roaxana had enjoyed their supper together. As they left the Italian restaurant, he suggested taking her for a walk. Despite the chilly autumn weather, the evening was pleasant

Are you cold?Ryan inquired, noticing the slight chill in the air

Roaxana shook her head. No,she replied, buttoning up her overcoat to shield 

herself from the cold

Ryan gently blocked her path, standing in front of her. With a tender gesture, he took off his scarf and wrapped it around Roaxana’s neck, ensuring she stayed 


What are you doing?Roaxana asked, her eyes filled with affection as she looked at Ryan

Taking care of my girl,” Ryan replied with a soft smile, lowering his hands. Their eyes met, and a warm smile graced both their lips

Your girl?Roaxana raised an eyebrow playfully as she began to walk past him

Ryan quickly pivoted on his feet to follow her closely. Yes, you are my girlfriend,he stated confidently, his tone filled with love and certainty

Roaxana felt a blush creep onto her cheeks as she heard Ryan’s words. A warm sensation enveloped her as he gently took her hand and they started walking together


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