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I became the Purchased Wife Of The Lycan Prince (Hope and Logan) novel Chapter 126

Chapter 126 


Hope took a sip of her latte as she diligently typed out a response to the email. Just then, Clifton strode into the office, his expression laden with urgency

Hope, where’s Master Logan?he inquired, his tone tinged with concern

Setting down her cup, Hope rose from her seat. Logan has stepped out to attend a crucial meeting with our US client,she informed him. What’s wrong? Is everything alright?Hope couldn’t help but notice the shock and fear etched on Clifton’s face, stirring a sense of unease within her

Why do you seem so frightened, Clifton?Hope inquired as she stepped closer to him

Hope, the request for mass cultivation of wolfsbane came from a werewolf,Clifton revealed, his voice laced

with unease

Really? Have you discovered who this werewolf might be?Hope inquired, her intuition telling her that the werewolf in question was likely someone they knew, judging by Clifton’s reaction

Hope, it was Olivia. I got the sketch,Clifton answered and took out the paper from his pocket. Hope’s eyes widened in shock as Clifton revealed the truth to her. What was Olivia exactly planning? She couldn’t fathom

As Clifton opened the paper to show the sketch, Hope was confirmed too. It was indeed Olivia Carson

How could she do this to Logan?Hope exclaimed, unable to comprehend Olivia’s betrayal. The revelation left her feeling bewildered and betrayed, wondering what Olivia’s true intentions were

Hope, Olivia has returned with a bigger motive in Logan’s life. You should contact your uncles because we need to apprehend Olivia,Clifton advised urgently

Now? Logan is scheduled to visit my uncleshouse this evening,Hope replied, feeling torn

I understand, but we must act swiftly. Olivia was the one who attacked both you and Logan. She’s a sorceress,Clifton revealed, his expression filled with concern. She isn’t a werewolf. I suspect she deceived the Village Head as well,he added grimly

Hope couldn’t ignore the gravity of Clifton’s words and nodded in agreement. Making her way to her desk, she picked up her phone and dialed Logan’s number. As she raised the phone to her ear, it began to ring, but Logan 


Emergency calls only 

Chapter 126 

didn’t answer


1) 11.07 

I think he’s still tied up in the meeting.Hope remarked, lowering her hand that held the phone, a hint of concern creeping into her voice

Shortly after, Paul entered the office and inquired about Logan. Hope and Clifton both turned to look at him

What do you mean? Wasn’t Logan with you in the meeting?Hope asked, her brow furrowing with concern

Yes, he was. But he left earlier than me. I had another matter to attend to, so I couldn’t return immediately,Paul explained, holding a tablet in his hand

Hope dialed Logan’s number once more, but this time it went straight to voicemail, indicating that his phone was switched off. Meanwhile, Paul looked at Clifton and asked if everything was alright

Nothing is fine. Olivia is a sorceress,Clifton replied gravely, before proceeding to explain the situation to Paul 

in detail

Logan’s phone is off,Hope informed them, her voice tinged with concern

What? Nothing can happen to Logan. He probably just received some urgent work,Paul suggested, trying to reassure Hope and himself. He urged her not to worry, but the uneasy feelings lingered in the air

Hope shook her head, her expression grave. Logan is in danger,she declared, her voice tinged with urgency. Closing her eyes, she attempted to establish a mental connection with Logan’s Lycan Beast. Paul and Clifton remained silent, allowing Hope to concentrate as she sought out Logan’s whereabouts

As she focused intently, Hope felt a wave of frustration wash over her. Why am I unable to make a connection with his Lycan?she thought, she didn’t waver her faith as she continued to try. With each attempt, she fervently prayed to the Moon Goddess for guidance, her heart racing with fear, yet refusing to succumb to this situation

Hope. This is me, Logan’s Lycan, Leo!” 

Finally, the communication was established

Where are you two? Are you two alright? You look injured.” 

Hope still had her eyes close as she tightened her fists. Logan was in a big problem and she sensed it through their bond. His Lycan seemed to be in a weak state



Emergency calls only 

Chapter 126 



Hope, the only thing I remember is being attacked my a masked man. Hehe injected a needle in Logan’s neck, making him unconscious. Please save us. I feel like getting away from Logan.Leo requested to Hope as he told her how he and Logan ended up falling for an enemy’s trap

Leo, can you tell me your current location?Hope inquired via their mind connection

Unfortunately, Hope, I can’t pinpoint our whereabouts since Logan is unconscious. But I heard them saying the falls. It’s unfamiliar territory to me. And please, bring wolves,Leo, the Lycan, relayed urgently to Hope

Leo, hold your position. I won’t allow any harm to befall you or Logan. Have faith in me,Hope assured before severing the telepathic link. Tears welled up in her eyes, streaking down her cheeks

What happened, Hope? Why are you crying?Paul got concerned as he took a step closer to her

I established the communication with Logan’s Lycan, Leo. He told me that they are trapped somewhere. Logan 

is unconscious as someone injected something in his neck,Hope told the two of them with trembling voice

What?Paul held his head while Clifton got scared to learn that

Leo told me that they are in a place called falls. Do you guys know anything about it?Hope asked them

There is no such place,” Paul murmured

such plac 

Try communicating with the Lycan again,” Clifton suggested to her

I cannot. He is weak. We need to find them. Gather the wolves,Hope said as she ordered them as their luna. Her eyes shone yellowish brown and both Paul and Clifton bowed their heads to her

Logan eyeballs showed a movement as he finally was coming out of his unconscious state. He felt a sharp stung on his neck because of the needle’s impact

Logan, you woke up finally,said Leo

Yeah. Where are we?Logan asked as he wandered his eyes around. It was a kind of dungeon with darkness looming over it. Not a single ray of light could pass through it

Hope is on her way to find us,Leo suddenly revealed



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