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I became the Purchased Wife Of The Lycan Prince (Hope and Logan) novel Chapter 13

Chapter 13 

Logan hung up the call and turned around only to see Hope seated at bed

Did you get any message from my father?Hope inquired

Why would I get message from him?Logan arched his eyebrows in bewilderment. He approached her and slid his hands into his pocket. Speak what’s in your mind,he stated

Did you threaten Karla that you would bring a doom to them?Hope raised her head to look at him

I did,Logan admitted. Did Kasper beg you to plead with me not to do so?He inquired

Yes,” Hope answered. But don’t show mercy on them,she requested

Logan was amused to hear her answer. So, you want me to punish them,he remarked

Yes. Also, thank you for saving my life. I know I have said that already, but I feel I should say this again, Hope asserted with a smile. She lowered her head and continued, “I was wrong when I said you were worse than Daniel. At least, you are real in front of me. You say everything to my face and don’t keep me in illusion.” 

Logan pulled her face up by holding her chin and the two looked into each other’s eyes. Till the moment you are wife, no one can harm you. So, live proudly and fearlessly till that time,he stated. As he withdrew his fingers from her chin, she held his hand

I may look desperate to you, but do you truly think I can live without my child? Also, when our child will grow up, he/she may ask for me. I am betrayed in love, but my mom gave me this name because she wanted me to keep hope even in the toughest moments of my life, Hope explained while showing him a positive aspect of their relationship

Can you not fall in love with me? I mean it’s not wrong to love. Daniel did wrong to me, but through you I learned that good men also exist,she proclaimed

Logan pulled his hand away. I don’t want to love you. If you wish to fall in love with 

me, then it is not my fault,he proci. His voice was cold and rude

Hope didn’t feel upset to hear his words. Aunt Victoria said you had a lover. Do you still love her?she asked

Yes, I do. And now, don’t ever ask anything about my past. I don’t like to talk about it,” Logan asserted and walked away from the room

Chapter 13 

Hope jolted as Logan slammed the door hard. She realized she made a mistake by talking about it. She gazed at the time on her phone and found it was still eleven in the morning

Suddenly, her phone rang and she saw the name of Daniel flashing on it. She cut his call, but he called her again. Getting irritated, Hope switched off her phone and thought to go outside

But as she opened the door, Logan appeared in front of her. Do you want something?Hope queried

Logan walked past her and grasped her hand to take her inside. Grandpa wants to organize a reception for us and he wants your family to come,he stated

What?Hope got worried because if her family came they would definitely turn everything wrong and speak against her favor. They would not even hesitate to lie about her

I’ll talk to Kasper and handle that,Logan said

Dad doesn’t like me.” 

Logan found how fearful Hope’s eyes appeared and he wondered if lying to his grandfather would be good. Then, I won’t invite them. Instead, I will tell truth to my grandfather.He believed that if truth came out later, his uncles and aunts might use it. against him. So, it was better to reveal them beforehand to avoid any trouble

Hope did not say anything since she liked Logan’s decision. Lying to Grandpa William didn’t feel good to her

When will be the reception?Hope inquired. 

This Friday,” Logan replied

They heard a knock on the door. Logan opened it and saw the maid calling them for lunch. He gazed at Hope and asked her to follow him

At the dining table, only William and those two were present. He noticed how Hope’s eyes searching for more people from the family. The others are at work. Victoria and Fred went outside earlier,” he stated. Signaling the butler, the maids stepped up and served the meals to them

Such a regal treatment was new for Hope. She thanked the maid, who served her while Logan glanced at her in amusement. He realized he didn’t have meals with Hope before. This was his first time sitting together with her for the meals

MmmIt’s delicious,” Hope said as she gave the thumbs up to the butler and the 



Chapter 13 

maids. They smiled to see her reaction while William felt happy too

Hope has a charming personality,William commented. You should eat more,he added


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