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I became the Purchased Wife Of The Lycan Prince (Hope and Logan) novel Chapter 15

Chapter 15 


At the dinner table, an unusual silence enveloped everything, particularly noticeable in the quiet demeanor of Hope. Logan often found himself marveling at her boundless energy, pondering its source. Yet, one admirable trait stood out to her Hope refused to let her past dictate her present

Hope was the first to excuse herself as the meal drew to a close

It seems Master Logan gave his wife a talkingto,Camila remarked, casting an accusatory glance at Logan. He ought to be more considerate with Hope. She’s a kind. soul,Camila added, smiling

It’s a relief that Hope has finally quieted down,” Logan commented, rising from his seat as he spoke

Master, perhaps you could take some chocolateflavored ice cream for Hope,Camila suggested to Logan

You can have a servant deliver it,Logan replied, making his way towards the door

It would mean a lot more if you personally handed it to your wife,” Camila urged, hastening her steps toward him. She swiftly passed the full bowl of ice cream to Logan, insisting he give it to Hope himself

Logan sighed and headed upstairs. Knocking at the room’s door, Logan waited for Hope to open it. Finally, she opened it and asked him what he wanted

Camila sent this for you,Logan said, forwarding the bowl of ice cream for her

Hope took it from him and almost shut the door in his face when Logan pushed his leg between the door. Open it,he said

Why? You told me to stay away from you unless you need me,Hope affirmed

Logan did not wish to use his force, but Hope made him do so. He pushed the door open, causing her to stumble. However, Logan caught her at the right time by wrapping his arm around her waist. He straightened Hope and went ahead of him

I thought you would go to bed,” Hope asserted

What did you wish to ask me earlier? Bring the book. I will teach you,Logan replied

Hope did not expect this sudden change in him. She quickly picked up the business. analysis book from bed and went to the mini couch on which he was seated. She placed the bowl on the table and opened the page, where she had the major doubt


Chapter 13 

Logan read the headline and he started explaining to Hope. She keenly listened to him. while eating the ice cream slowly. Even in the college, the professor would fail to teach them in the way Logan did. She read the same concept multiple times, but not once she could get it. However, Logan had made her understand that concept within minutes

Logan raised his head when his eyes landed on her l*ps, which had cream on them. Again, resisting her temptation was difficult for him. After marking her, he somehow wanted to be connected to her at a more personal level

Logan, it turns out to be so easy. Hope said with a smile. “Thank you.She gazed at the book again when Logan k*ssed her l*ps by ducking his head

She blinked and pulled away from him. What are you doing?Hope glanced at him in bewilderment

Logan took the book from her and placed it aside. He drew Hope close to him and k*ssed her hungrily. The sweet chocolate taste of the ice cream, he could savor it through her mouth. Hope, on the other hand, pressed her hand against his chest as she pushed him away. However, as time passed she paused and let the k*ss continue

The mark had become the other reason why she felt connected to him. She always desired such emotions from her ex, her mate, but could not receive them. She surrendered herself to Logan’s ministrations and enjoyed the k*ss with him

Hope wanted to withdraw from the k*ss, but Logan was not ready. His hands slid. beneath her loose tshirt and he pulled it up slowly. His tongue darted into her mouth, savoring the remaining taste of chocolate from her mouth

She caught his hand and finally withdrew from the k*ss. While gasping for air, Hope said, Logan, we should not be doing this. You do not love me and I feel bad thinking I have to be in such a relationship,Hope truthfully expressed her thoughts to him

Logan pulled back his hand from his b*dy and moved away. He ran his fingers through his hair and walked straight out of her room

As he entered his room and shut the door behind him, he placed his hand on Something is wrong with me,” Logan murmured. He had totally forgotten that he did

$ chest

not even like Hope. But she had this magnetic pull, that he could not resist

Logan went ahead and lay on his bed after removing his sl*ppers. The chocolate taste infused with a bit of strawberry still lingered on his l*ps. He licked them and realized his Lycan beast wanted more. He blankly stared at the ceiling when his phone rang

Logan picked it up and answered the call without checking the name on the screen. Hello,he responded

Sir, please spare my family. I beg your forgiveness. My daughter did wrong and I will 



Sat, 24 Feb 

Chapter 15 

definitely punish her, but please don’t ruin me. This business makes my house run,Kaper said from the other side of the call while pleading for the Lycan Prince’s mercy

My decision is irreversible. Your foolish daughter should not have raised her hand on my wife. I don’t care if you and your family beg on the streets or work like servants in someone’s house or die to get out of this bankruptcy,Logan pronounced and disconnected the call

Kasper dialed the number again but it turned out to be switched off: What happened, Honey?Martha worriedly inquired

Kasper glared at Karla and slapped her hard. Martha shouted at her husband and immediately came in between them

Why the hell did you touch Hope? Are you not aware of the Lycan Prince? Because of you, we are on the verge of bankruptcy,” Kasper barked at Karla. She began crying because it was her first time being slapped by her father


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