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I became the Purchased Wife Of The Lycan Prince (Hope and Logan) novel Chapter 3


Your father has sold you off to me to clear his debts,” Logan said and placed the folder in her lap while placing the pen above it. So, sign this contract and be my wife,he pronounced, his voice devoid of any emotions

Hope was shocked to see the folder related to the contract and then looked at Kasper, who had no remorse for his act. He sold Hope to pay the debts, which she had no idea about

Sign them. I do not have much time,” Logan coldly said as he glanced at his luxurious watch

What’s this?Hope asked

I guess I already cleared you. It’s a contract of our marriage. Your father has sold you to me,Logan pronounced, this time with a more stern tone

The day was a disaster for her. First, she found Daniel cheating on her, then he marked Klara right in front of her eyes and now she found out that Kasper sold her to the Lycan Prince

Hope with trembling hands picked up the pen and opened the folder. The cost at which she was sold was mentioned in those papers. The total debt was 10 million dollars, which her father failed to pay Logan Moore. Was she worth this much? Tears welled up in Hope’s eyes and a teardrop fell on the paper

Logan noticed that and furrowed his brows together

What if I don’t sisign?Hope asked while stammering and gave a side glance to Logan

Nothing. I have to force you into signing. Anyhow I want my money to be paid from you,Logan explained

Hope felt scared to hear his words

Sign the contract and leave,Martha said with a tone laced with disdain

Logan shot a glance at her but remained silent. He saw Hope was quite petite and pale because of the abuse she experienced in her family. However, that was his least of the concern at the moment. A wife he needed and a child from her to accomplish his goal

Hope was still hesitant to sign on the papers. But she had no way to escape this. She fidgeted with her fingers and finally signed on the papers

Victor took the folder from Logan after she signed the papers. The marriage certificate will 

Il be ready by tomorrow, Mr. Moore,he stated



Very well,” Logan said and stood up from the couch. He could see the happy faces of Kasper and Martha, which definitely irked him

Since the debt is paid off, we do not have any more relationships. Am I right, Mr. Moore?Kasper asked

Yes. Don’t show me your face,” Logan stated, if you do, that will be your last day on earth.He returned his gaze to Hope, who was in her own world of thoughts.. 

Follow me, Hope,Logan said in an assertive tone

Hope stood up from her place and looked at Kasper for the last time. She hated Kasper from the bottom of her heart now. She was sold and they did not even bother to tell about it to her. While walking behind Logan, Hope wondered why her fate had to be so cruel to her. She never did anyone wrong, yet it did to her

Shortly, they entered the luxurious Porsche standing outside the house. Hope’s journey to a new life had started of which she had no idea. She narrowly glanced at Logan, who rested comfortably on his seat with his eyes closed. If I am married to him, what he will do to me? Everything a couple do?she thought and the chills ran down her spine

The journey in the car ended in the night when they reached the Moore Estate. Everything happened so fast that Hope did not even get the time to look at her surroundings

Bring her to my room in twenty minutes,Logan said and walked away

Hope was asked for dinner, but she refused. She had no appetite left after what happened to her today. Her whole b*dy was aching and she needed some rest

Then, we shall get you ready for the night,the housemaid, Madam Camila said

For the ninight?Hope stuttered

Yes. It is your first night with the Lycan Prince,Madam Camila said and instructed two female servants to aid Hope in getting a bath before getting ready

Hope did not even get a chance to refuse and dragged to the bathhouse. After the bath, she changed into a satin white dress, Hope saw herself in the mirror. It was the first time she found herself in such smooth clothing or else, she had to wear the old, wornout clothes of her stepsister

Please go in,” Madam Camila told Hope as they reached outside Logan’s bedroom. She pushed her lightly ahead after opening the door. Hope looked behind, but Camila had walked away

She gulped, thinking about what would Logan do to her now

Are you going to stay at the door?Again that cold voice reverberated in Hope’s ears




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