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I became the Purchased Wife Of The Lycan Prince (Hope and Logan) novel Chapter 83

Chapter 83 

Roaxana shut down the computer asofie leaned back on her chair. She checked her phone, in case Ryan had any message dropped for her. But there was nothing. Since yesterday he didn’t do so. Despite her efforts to bring him to the senses, it seemed to her that Ryan wasn’t ready for it

She pressed the bell and in a few seconds, they secretary entered. Roaxana informed. him she had to leave carly. Carrying her handbag, Roaxana left the office. She called. Ryan, but again he didn’t pick her calls

Why he does this to me? His father is such a liar. But Ryan should at least listen to me,Roaxana murmured and stepped into the car

She started the engine when her phone rang. Excitedly, she answered it without checking the name. So, she soon realised that it was her secretary, asking about something important. After making him understand, she put the phone on the passenger seat and drove to Ryan’s workplace

Stepping out of the car, she went to the reception to make an appointment to see Ryan. Ma’am, you’ve to wait for at least an hour because the Director is in a meeting,” the receptionist humbly said

Alright, I’ll wait,” Roaxana said and went to the lobby. Since she was a known name among people, so the employees there had recognized her. Roaxana picked up the magazine placed on the table there and read it to pass her time

Somehow, an hour passed and she was ready to meet Ryan. The receptionist informed her that Director Ryan was free and headed to his office. She showed her the way to Ryan’s office and went with her in the elevator

Roaxana thanked her and stepped into the clevator. I hope he doesn’t throw a tantrum at me again,” she murmured. Upon reaching the desired floor, the receptionist led her way to the director’s office

I’ll go in. Thank you,Roaxana expressed her gratitude, passing a tiny smile to her

As the receptionist walked away, Roaxana pushed open the door and walked in. Ryan was in a conversation with his secretary when he sensed her presence and stopped

The secretary paused and turned to look. His eyes widened to see Roaxana there. I’ll excuse myself,he said and walked out of the office

As the door closed, Roaxana waved at Ryan. It’s not a good way to ignore me. Will you keep doing this forever?she complained and went ahead. Placing her handbag on his desk, she looked at the files on the desk. Congratulations on becoming the director, Ryan,” she said with a smile

10:47 Fri, 1 Mar 

Chapter 53 

What are you doing here?he asked in his usual cold tone

I wanted to see you. You haven’t responded to my messages, so I thought to check on you.” Roaxana said and pulled the chair to sit on it

Ryan was quick to appear in front of her and pulled her arm. You should leave. I’m at work. You cannot expect me to answer your messages when I’m busy,” he opined

And what about yesterday night? You were free. You could have dropped a single message saying you were doing fine. Roaxana proclaimed, peering into his eyes in confusion

Can’t you trust me? Your father has lied to you and Noah. You both are unaware of your what happened. I asked Grandpa everything. Don’t you want to know the entire truth?Roaxana questioned him

What will it change? Tell me,Ryan demanded an answer from her. Will my mother come back? Will I ever be able to get a love of a mother?” 


Roaxana, there’s nothing left between us. We cannot be friends. Not after what I learned. Whatever was the truth, the Lycans involvement killed her and I can never get her back. I have always yearned for her. You know it well. You are lucky to grow with a mother’s love, but it never happened to me. So, you can never comprehend with my pain, Ryan proclaimed while keeping his tone tender

I’m sorry, Ryan,Roaxana said. Indeed, I can never feel the pain of what you’ve undergone. However, I can at least be a support to you. You pushed me away because of something of which I was never a part, she pronounced

Ryan averted his gaze from her. People change and so I did. You shouldn’t pursue after me. If you have ever considered me your friend, you will leave me alone,he requested to her

Roaxana couldn’t say anything further upon listening to his statement. Alright. Take care,she said and walked away

Ryan glanced at her, and went back to his seat after the door closed

i as he handed another file for the 

I’m glad you are no longer from Hope, Paul signature. She looks cheerful today. Your wife is quite popular among the employees. Do you know this?He asked

Logan raised his head. What do you mean?His eyebrows arched in a quizzical glance

10:47 Fri, 1 Mar 

Chapter 83 

Come with me, Paul stated as he pulled him up. He led his way outside to the lobby and showed her how Hope was happily conversing with everyone

Why is that guy trying to get close to my wife? Isn’t he smiling too much?Logan asked. as he felt jealous. What’s his name?He clenched his fists as he showed his possessive side

Jackson is the assistant project head. He is an amiable person. He is like this with everyone. Don’t be jealous,Paul replied

Don’t they have work to do? Isn’t it already past the lunch hour?Logan frowned as he found Jackson was even holding Hope’s hand. I’m going to cut that hand off,he muttered and gritted his teeth

Paul chuckled to hear him. I thought you didn’t want to love Hope. Now, look at you. You are desperate to show your jealousy and possessiveness just because a few men are lingered around her,” he remarked in a teasing tone

Hope!Logan called out her name loudly, bringing the group’s attention to him. I have something to discuss with you. Come to the office,he said and walked away with his hands inside his pocket

I have to go. I’ll see you later,Hope said to them and rushed upstairs. Paul shook his head, thinking what was in Logan’s head

Hope gasped for the air as she stopped in front of Logan’s desk. Is there something urgent, Sir?she asked while taking deep breaths

No. Why were you smiling with that peacock and why did you even let him touch your hand?Logan questioned her as he left his seat and walked to her

Peacock?Hope was confused. I don’t understand what you want to say. Could you clarify it?she humbly asked

Jackson. That spiky head!Logan remarked

You cannot name anyone like this. That’s bad,Hope opined

Why? He was daggering his gaze at you like,” he paused and then ran his fingers. through his hair

Hope ended up laughing to hear his words. If you are jealous, then say so. You don’t need to feel frustrated,” she asserted and closed the distance between them. She adjusted his lose tie and placed her hands just below his shoulders

Well, I’m not jealous of him,Logan stated and leaned down to k*ss her. They pecked each other’s l*ps and smiled. I’ll leave at the evening for the other country. Don’t miss 

10:47 Fri, 1 Mar 

Chapter 83 


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