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I became the Purchased Wife Of The Lycan Prince (Hope and Logan) novel Chapter 86

Chapter 86 

Three days later: (Steamy Chapter Abead

Hope turned in bed, her arm landing on something solid, causing her to furrow her brows in confusion. As she moved her hand upward, she realized it was a person lying beside her. Quickly, she opened her eyes, wondering who had entered the bedroom

To her surprise, she found Logan lying on the bed in a peaceful sleeping posture, his expression serene as if he were lost in a tranquil dream

Hope couldn’t believe her eyes her husband had actually returned home on his birthday. She pinched her hand to confirm that she wasn’t dreaming, feeling a rush of joy and disbelief wash over her as she gazed at Logan’s peaceful form beside her

Ouch!Hope rubbed her hand after pinching herself, a smile tugging at her l*ps as she looked at Logan. He really did come back,she murmured softly

As the morning sun tried to filter through the gaps in the curtains, Hope leaned in to gently k*ss Logan’s check, careful not to disturb his peaceful sleep. Happy Birthday, Logan,she whispered, her words filled with love and affection

Joining her hands, Hope closed her eyes in silent prayer. May the Moon Goddess free you from all worries and keep you smiling always. May no force be able to separate us, and may we grow stronger together as a family,” she prayed earnestly, her heart overflowing with love and hope for their future together

As Hope moved to get out of bed, Logan’s hand shot out, catching hers and pulling her back down. He wrapped his arm around her waist, drawing her close so her chest

pressed against his torso, his l*ps finding solace in her newhe 

Are you awake? I wish you a very happy 29th birthday, Logan, Hope said with a smile, her fingers gently tracing patterns on his arm. You surprised me with your sudden presence. I thought you had no plans to come here today,” she murmured, her voice filled with both surprise and delight at his unexpected return

I missed you too, and thank you for the wishes and prayers,” Logan expressed, his nose nuzzling against her n*eck affectionately. Did you like the surprise?he inquired, his voice filled with anticipation

Absolutely,Hope replied, her eyes locking with his as she tilted her head to gaze into his eyes, a warm smile spreading across her l*ps

I came back at 2 a.m., Logan confessed softly. I wanted to be with you today. Your absence in France was unbearable. I wrapped up my work as quickly as possible and came straight here, to you, he explained

Chapter 86 

Hope’s heart swelled with love as she listened to Logan’s heartfelt words. Tears of happiness welled up in her eyes, overwhelmed by the depth of emotion between them. Words felt inadequate to express the multitude of emotions flooding her soul

You should go to sleep. Hope suggested softly, her voice filled with tenderness

Stay with me, and I’ll fall asleep,Logan requested, his tone pleading

I am here,Hope reassured him, her hand reaching out to gently stroke his cheek

You know, I miss your scent the most. Now, being able to taste it, it fills me with energy.Logan whispered in her ear, his voice filled with longing and desire. With gentle hands, he turned his wife to face him, wanting to gaze upon her face and bask in her presence

Logan gently grabbed Hope’s hand and placed it against his cheek, k*ssing her wrist. tenderly. Hope smiled at his affectionate gesture but attempted to pull her hand back. You need to sleep,she pointed out softly, concern evident in her voice. 

I had a good sleep,” Logan insisted, k*ssing the center of her palm as he held her hand firmly. His l*ps trailed along her fingers, leaving tender k*sses in their wake

It’s morning, Logan,Hope reminded him gently, her chest rising and falling with apprehension as she realized the responsibilities of the day ahead

Morning is one of the best times. It was a torture for me and my Lycan Beast to be away from you. Let me worship you,Logan said as he waited for her response. He decided to start only if Hope permitted him

Feeling his longing and desire, Hope leaned in, initiating a fiery k*ss that ignited at passion between them. As their l*ps met, a spark ignited within Logan, and he found. himself completely surrendered to the moment, lying back as Hope straddled him

Their k*sses grew more fervent, their l*ps exploring and tasting each other with increasing intensity

As their tongues joined in a passionate dance, a symphony of desire and love unfolded. between them, enveloping them in a world of ecstasy

Hope found herself needing oxygen, but Logan’s firm grip on her head made it impossible for her to withdraw from the k*ss. Just when she thought she couldn’t hold on any longer, he suddenly sat up, allowing her to catch her breath

Don’t you think our clothes are getting in the way?Logan asked, his breath coming faster as his thumb traced her l*ps, his eyes filled with an insatiable hunger for her

What’s gotten into you?Hope questioned, surprised by the sudden intensity of 

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Chapter 86 

Logan’s actions. It was rare for her to see this side of him

As he rested his hands on the hem of her nightdress tshirt and pulled it off her b*dy, she couldn’t help but feel a rush of excitement

F*ck, you’re gorgeous, Hope, Logan murmured, his dark eyes filled with desire as they roamed over her curves. And no bralette,” he added with a smirk, his hand cupping once of her breasts and massaging it gently while his l*ps trailed wet k*sses along her n*eck

MmmmHnghHope moaned in response to his touch, her b*dy responding eagerly to his caresses

With trembling hands, she reached for his shirt, beginning to unbutton it in return, cager to explore his b*dy just as he was exploring hers

She ran her hands over his chest, feeling the tautness of his muscles beneath her fingertips. His b*dy seemed to radiate heat, as if he were engulfed in a furnace

Areare you running a fever?Hope asked, concern lacing her voice as she struggled to keep her eyes open, feeling the warmth enveloping her

Logan lifted his head from her n*eck and gently pecked her l*ps. No, Babe. It’s your effect on my b*dy. And until you quench this heat, I’m not going to stop,” he declared, his eyes gleaming with a fiery crimson hue, his desire for her evident in every word and glance

In the morning, it sounds so unholy,” Hope remarked, her voice filled with a mixture of amusement and desire

I have no intention of being holy with you,Logan responded, his words laced with at hint of mischief as he k*ssed her chin

His openmouthed k*sses sent waves of pleasure coursing through Hope, transporting her to a realm of newfound ecstasy

How could he be so irresistibly attractive and tender every time they made love? Each encounter seemed to deepen their connection, heightening her emotions in ways she never thought possible

With Logan, every moment was filled with a love that transcended the physical, enveloping her in a warmth and passion that she never wanted to end

His l*ps journeyed down from her n*eck to her collarbone while his hand remained on her shoulder, drawing circles on it. He k*ssed the top of her curve, causing her to arch her back and nipped her skin

Ahhmmm….. Logan!Hope cried aloud his name, but soon she felt pleasure as

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Chapter 86 

series of moans escaped her mouth. He made her rest on the mattress and pulled off his shirt before hovering over her

Claiming her l*ps hungrily, Logan’s hands roamed her sensitive b*dy, igniting wave of desire and passion within Hope. She felt consumed by the intensity of their connection, unable to resist the allure of their shared longing

As Logan’s touch became more insistent, Hope found herself yearning for more, her own desires matching his

With her back arching and her eyes widening in ecstasy, Hope gasped when Logan’s l*ps. ventured to a forbidden place, sending waves of pleasure coursing through her b*dy

Despite her plea for him to slow down, Logan showed no mercy as he continued to lavish her with his attention, his actions driving her to the brink of ecstasy

Please,” Hope urged, her fingers tangling in his hair as she surrendered to the overwhelming sensations washing over her

Her b*dy writhed beneath him, consumed by the pleasure enveloping them both as they lost themselves in each other amidst the intoxicating passion of the moment

You taste divine,Logan whispered huskily against Hope’s l*ps before k*ssing her deeply. Their mouths opened eagerly, tongues entwining in a passionate dance as they both sought to assert their dominance in their shared desire

As Logan connected with her, Hope cried out, clinging to his shoulders as he entered. her. Sensing her discomfort, he showered her with gentle k*sses, his l*ps trailing tenderly over her cheeks and l*ps, his hands moving with care and tenderness over her thighs, soothing her pain and heightening their connection with each other

Hope locked her hands around him, smiling as their bodies moved in perfect synchrony. “I love you, Logan. I love you,she confessed, her words filled with passion and devotion as they shared their intimate connection

Feeling her love and desire, Logan swiftly shifted their positions, now with her

stomach pressed against the mattress. Possessively, he wrapped his hand around her n*eck as he guided them to kneel, her back pressed against his front torso, the heat of his b*dy. still burning against hers


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