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I became the Purchased Wife Of The Lycan Prince (Hope and Logan) novel Chapter 91

Chapter 91 

Why didn’t Henry come? Hope inquired, directing her question to Roaxana and Fred

Henry hasn’t been home since last night,” Fred explained. I spoke to him on 

the phone, but he said he wouldn’t be coming,he briefed Hope on the situation. As Fred moved to assist her with the plates, Hope insisted that he refrain from doing so

It’s no trouble at all, Fred replied with a smile, accompanying Hope to the dining hall

Roaxana couldn’t resist a taunt as she noticed Fred carrying plates. Since when did my brother start doing such chores?she remarked sarcastically

I thought to lend a hand to Hope, unlike you, sister,Fred retorted, placing the plates on the table. Turning to Ryan, he added in a mutter, I hope my sister doesn’t trouble you with her nonsensical talks.” 


What? Fred, I’ll throttle you if you dare say anything negative about me,Roaxana exclaimed, her anger flaring

See? You’ve got quite the bad temper, Sis. I wonder how a guy will manage to handle you,” Fred retorted, rolling his eyes before taking his seat

You two still haven’t changed,” Paul remarked, entering the dining hall with his girlfriend, Violet. Behind them was Clifton, who wore a stoic expression, accompanied by Logan. For some reason, Gloria didn’t either attend the meet

Paul, you have no idea how much my brother torments me,Roaxana declared, sticking her tongue out at Fred playfully

Ryan couldn’t help but smile at Roaxana’s antics, although he quickly concealed it before she could catch him

Please, everyone, take your seats. Let’s enjoy our lunch. Hope and I have prepared today’s meals, and we hope you’ll all enjoy them,Logan announced, observing everyone settling into their chairs

Wow! I never knew you could cook!Fred exclaimed, genuinely surprised to learn that Logan had prepared the meals with Hope

He’s a fantastic cook, Hope affirmed, her hand resting affectionately on Logan’s shoulder. You’re all going to love lunch. I guarantee it.” 

Logan pulled out a chair for Hope, gesturing for her to take her seat before settling into his own. As Madam Camila instructed the servants to serve the meals, the group began. to eat, and the atmosphere quickly turned lively with their cheerful chatter

10:49 Fri, 1 Mar 

Chapter 91 

However, Logan noticed that Ryan was particularly quiet and was even refraining talking with Roaxana. He was aware of the fact that they both were good friends, but this sudden change in Ryan’s demeanor troubled Logan


Clifton, you’re the same age as Logan? I thought you were younger,Hope commented, surprised

Logan glanced at her, his eyebrows raised in amusement. Do you think I look like the oldest one here?he teased

No, Clifton doesn’t seem like he’s 29, Hope replied softly

Maybe it’s his genes,Fred chimed in

Hope looked intrigued. What do you mean?she asked, curious to know more

I belong to one of the rarest werewolf clans. But now, they’re practically extinct. I believe I’m the last one remaining from my pack. In our pack, we age slowly,” Clifton explained

That’s fascinating, Hope remarked, genuinely intrigued by Clifton’s revelation

Their conversation continued until their lunch came to an end. As everyone left the dining hall and gathered in the living room, Logan approached Ryan, asking if he would accompany him. They sl*pped away unnoticed while the others remained engrossed in their conversations

What’s on your mind, Logan?Ryan inquired as they came to a stop in front of the swimming pool

Is everything alright between you and Roaxana? I’ve noticed you seem to avoid conversations with her,Logan remarked, his concern evident in his voice

Ryan hesitated for a moment before attempting to brush it off. You must have misunderstood, Logan,he replied, trying to conceal any underlying tension

I’ve been watching you both closely for a while now. You’ve been friends for years, and your recent behavior around her is concerning,” Logan stated bluntly. He was a straightforward person, not one to beat around the bush when seeking the truth

Nothing’s going on, Logan. You’re reading too much into it,Ryan insisted, deflecting 

werewolf hunters in the city. Are you looking into that?He swiftly changed the subject, diverting attention away from his interactions with Roaxana

the conversation. By the way, I heard from my brother about an insisted, deflecting 

I’ll start the investigation in the evening. Clifton has already gathered the necessary information, Logan replied, confirming his plans


10:49 Fri, 1 Mar 

Chapter 91 


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