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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 112

Chapter 112

“Right away, Dad. I’ll have my assistant announce it on Twitter,” Gresham sighed and looked at Bonnie with disappointment.

‘I could’ve tolerated Bonnie being a good–for–nothing, but she keeps making messes. Some big shot in Pyralis must’ve sent those bodyguards and bouquets. Since that big shot didn’t show up and sent these men instead, then he must be Bonnie’s sugar daddy.

“That’s why he can’t show his face. Once he exposes his identity, his wife will fight with him and Bonnie. I’m not even willing to imagine it.‘

Now that the Shepards had disowned Bonnie, she would have to bear the consequences of her actions


“Your chariot awaits, Ms. Bonnie.” Floyd opened the car door for her.

She stopped and glanced at him and, saying, “I need a favor.”

“Anything you please.”

“First, I’ll send you a video clip. Then…”

“Loud and clear. You may take your leave first, Ms. Bonnie.”

After receiving the video clip, Floyd turned and approached Trina. “Ms. Bonnie forgot to mention it earlier, but she just told me she prepared a birthday present for you.”

Trina had a bad feeling about it when she heard that.

Floyd gestured at the big screen and announced, “May I direct your attention to the screen, everyone?!”



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