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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 556

“That’s all?” Ivor was surprised.

This time, Bonnie went on the offensive. Instead of answering his questions, she asked, “What else can she and I be to each other?”

Ivor squinted at her silently.

Then, she added, “If you’re curious about my connection with Bonnie, you can always ask her.”

“I did.”

“Oh? What did she tell you?”

“Her lips are sealed.”

Bonnie leaned into her seat and said, “If that’s the case, maybe you should stop pursuing this matter, Ivor. Everyone has secrets, and they’re not meant to be shared. She might not have wanted to tell you about it, but it’s not necessarily because of a lack of trust.

“It might be because she doesn’t want you to shoulder her secrets alone. It’ll be highly impolite and disrespectful if you keep digging. Wouldn’t you agree?”

Ivor imitated her by leaning back into his seat. “You’re something else, Ms. Bonita. Not only did you shut me up, but your explanation was also flawless.”

Instead of responding, Bonnie shit her eyes and rested, hinting at him that he could leave. However, Ivor was so thick-skinned that he stayed. “I believe you and Bonnie go way back, Ms. Bonita. Do you think we’ll get married?”

Bonnie sighed inwardly, thinking, ‘Is there no end to this?’


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