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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 125

Chapter 125

Well, I do, but

But what? Are you still trying to protect her?

Why would I? There’s no way I’d protect that deceitful punk. Fine, I don’t care anymore! You can have her phone number.Gresham took his phone and gave Bonnie’s number to Dermot.

Dermot made the phone call immediately after.

While Bonnie continued to shop with Avril, she got a phone call from an unknown number. Hello? Who’s this?

Bonnie, I presume.

Yeah, that’s me. Can I help you with anything?

I’m Brittany’s father.

Did you call to pick a bone with me? Is this about Brittany?

Yeah, we’ll get back to that. Tang Fusion Studios called off collaboration with my company so suddenly. Do you have something to do with it?

Bonnie raised her brow with a hint of mockery as she admitted, Yeah, that was me.

Dermot never expected her to admit it outright. He began to doubt her a little.

Did Bonnie really do it, or is she pretending to have done it to intimidate me? That way, I won’t dare to speak up for my daughter.

You did it? How do you have that kind of power to pull it off? The collaboration is a multimillion dollar project. My company made an intricate proposal to secure it. What makes you think I’ll believe you?

Bonnie chuckled and said, What makes you think I’ll tell you where I get my power from?

Why, you little-Dermot turned red with rage. I’ll repeat my question. Did you, or did you not have something to do with it?

Not at all.Bonnie played him like a fiddle.

Dermot was at a loss for words for seconds before he stammered, YYou goddamn-

What’s wrong? Are you going to ask me the same question again? Then, yeah, I did it.Bonnie


You’re fucking toying with me!Dermot felt like he could just explode.

Meanwhile, Gresham and Vera exchanged glances when they saw how worked up Dermot was. That was why they hesitated to give Bonnie’s number to him. They feared she would drive him up the wall.

Chapter 125

As expected, that was what happened.


That’s just fine! This conversation isn’t going anywhere. Still, you picked on my sweet girl. What are you going to do about it?

Let it scab.

Listen here, you little shit-



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