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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 175

Chapter 175

“Ivor Knight!” Bonnie punched him.

“Owie…” Neville, who was watching them from upstairs, covered his eyes. What happened was too graphic for someone his age.

Afterward, Ivor went to work with a black eye, shocking everyone. Although it was apparent someone had punched him, he still grinned.

Even Floyd could not take it, saying, “Ahem, I know you’re happy Ms. Bonnie gave you a black eye, but shouldn’t we focus on what’s important now, Mr. Ivor?”

“What do you mean?” Ivor asked in puzzlement.

Floyd’s lips twitched. “Did you forget that you and your grandmother have an appointment with the miracle doctor?”

Finally, Ivor remembered it. “What time’s the appointment?”


Floyd checked the time and asked, “We have another hour until then. Should I call the miracle doctor now?”


Shortly after, Bonnie received a text and was about to reply when she received a call from Vera. Frowning, she fell into deep thought.

‘Mom and Dad have never called me once since disowning me. It’s like their official tweet said: I’m no longer a member of the Shepard family. They don’t care if I’m dead or alive. So, why’s Mom calling me? Does she want to ask about the time I humiliated Brittany?‘


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