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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 184

Chapter 184

“Yeah, I’m the patient. I’ve had this issue with my legs for many years. Think you can fix it, Doc?” Winnie looked at Bonnie with hopeful eyes.

“Let me take a look first,” Bonnie said, though she already knew she could heal Winnie’s legs. After a quick examination, she added, “It’s pretty severe, but I can treat it. Still, it might take some time for you to recover fully.”

Winnie was overjoyed. She grabbed Bonnie’s hand and said, “Really? You can cure me?”

Ivor glanced at Bonnie’s hand and noticed its complexion matched her exposed neck. He began to wonder if he had been overthinking things.

‘Perhaps Bonnie really was just teasing Grandma.‘

Bonnie noticed Ivor gazing at her hand. She could not help but smirk beneath her mask. She knew he was always observant and suspicious. With what Bonnie told Winnie several days ago, it was highly likely that the older woman had told Ivor about it.

That was why Bonnie chose to disguise herself as a man. Initially, she did not mind revealing her identity to Winne. However, Bonnie saw Winnie’s disbelief and figured explaining it to Ivor would be another hassle. After careful reconsideration, she opted not to expose her true identity.

Nonetheless, she reassured Winnie, “Don’t worry. I can cure your legs.”

Winne was ecstatic. “You’re amazing! I don’t feel any soreness already. You’re a miracle worker, Doc.”

Bonnie smiled while packing her things. She then stood up and said, “I’ll come back at the same time next week.”

As she was about to leave, Ivor stood up and said, “I’ll walk you out.”


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