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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 39

Chapter 39


Bonnie rolled her eyes and said, So what if he’s my type of guy? What does that have to do with you?

Out of nowhere, Ivor gripped her arm. I knew it. You like him!

She had never seen him behave this way. He had always been aloof, arrogant, and coldly distant. But this time, she saw a flash of rage in his eyes!

Perhaps she was mistaken, she thought.

What’s with the sudden fit of anger, Mr. Ivor? Allow me to remind you of our agreement.

There was a hint of fleeting confusion in his deep, black eyes. It went away as quickly as it came. Ivor composed himself and gave her a cold, sidelong glance. I’ve made it clear that you’re supposed to be my fiancé this month! I hope you’ll behave like it!

Okay. I won’t cheat on you this month. You have my word.

A hint of darkness flashed in his eyes. He spoke grimly, Are you trying to say you’ll do whatever you want after a month?

Bonnie was at a loss. “Are you pretending to be ignorant or are you genuinely confused? I’ll be a free woman by then. Whatever I do won’t concern you anymore. So, mind your own business!With that, she withdrew her hand from his grip.

Ivor clenched his fist involuntarily, but he relaxed it a second later. As he trained his gaze on her, her words ran through his head.

I’ll be a free woman by then.

He couldn’t explain why, but he felt uneasy.

Bonnie had long stopped looking at him. Instead, she looked at Jim and said, Come with me. I have some work for you.

A flash of menace showed in Ivor’s eyes again. He stared at Jim sharply and condescendingly. Suddenly, he said, I’ve thought about it. You should come to my room tonight.

Bonnie was puzzled. She didn’t think that Ivor would try to lure her into his trap. Didn’t we agree to go to my room?


o’clock tonight. I’ll be waiting.Ivor refused to explain himself any further and left.

As soon as he was out of sight, Jim asked worriedly, Why are you going to his room at night? Eight o’clock is a late time. Is he trying to do something to you? He seemed really hostile just now. He’s clearly up to something!

Bonnie thought nothing of it. What’s he going to do to me? We agreed to meet at eight o’clock tonight because I promised him a game of chess.

Chapter 39



Mmhmm.She nodded, He’s the Knight.

Dumbstruck, Jim said, I can’t believe he’s the Knight! He’s the heir to the family business. I don’t know how he found the time to play chess.

Then, he saw that Bonnie was staring right at him and felt a little guilty.

She crossed her arms and said, Why did you apply to be a bodyguard here?.


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