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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 400

Chapter 400

“So, that’s the whole story. “Uh... It took Ged a long time to process everything Ivor told him.

“All I can say is that Bonnie is a tough lady. She knows what she wants and won’t compromise her vision and settle for anything less. Frankly, you're one lucky bastard if you manage to marry her. No, I take it back!

You'll be the luckiest bastard alive if you end up marrying her. “That’s a given.” He gave Ged a sidelong glance. “I know better than you just how precious she is. “There's no necd to wallow in sadness or despair. If you look at it from another angle, it's a good thing.” Ged said analytically.

“What do you mean? “Can't you figure out something this simple? They say we do foolish things when we’re in love, bul why do I get the feeling that you've become a fool yourself?

“Bonnie is this mad at you because she cares a lot about you! Think about it. If someone she deemed worthless threw a fit in front of her, she would've remained indifferent and ignored that person, which, in turn, drives the person crazy. Ivor nodded in approval.

“Keep going. “

Here’s a question for you. Have you seen Bonnie this mad in your life? He pondered on the question for a couple of seconds.

Then, his eyes sparkled. He sounded jovial when he spoke. “Are you trying to say that she loves me?

“I won’t say that it’s necessarily love. She has feelings for you, at most.”

Ged said truthfully.

At the next moment, Ivor glared at him.

“Don’t give me that look! I’m telling you the truth. You need a dose of reality right now. Judging by your current situation , you should leave her alone for a couple of days. Give her some peace. Frowning, he asked, “A couple of days? Are you trying to kill me? Ged remained quiet. ‘That decides it. Ivor is smitten."


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