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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 407

Chapter 407 

What else will she do after marrying into our family? I won’t just take in a freeloader.” 

Mom, I love her and refuse to marry anyone else!Tanum roared


Meanwhile, Ivor stared at his documents in his office, unable to stop thinking about Bonnie

Ged said, You’ve been staring at that document for over an hour. I know what you’re thinking, but please take my advice. You must be patient if you want things to go smoothly between you and Bonnie.” 

Ivor put down the document and said, I haven’t texted or called her for several days, but it 

feels like centuries.” 

At that moment, a panicked Floyd knocked on the door and entered. I just got a call from Mr. Flynn. He told me Ms. Bonnie has just-” 

Before he could finish, Ged said, “Hush! Don’t say anything about Bonnie. Ivor can’t afford to listen to anything about her now.” 


Nope! You’ll ruin my plans if you continue. Then, you’ll ruin Ivor’s one shot at a lifetime of happiness.Ged shoved Floyd out of the office


I said quiet!” 

Wait a minute-” 

Get out!” 

Floyd’s eyes widened when he realized Ged was pushing him out of the office. The former grabbed the door and yelled, Mr. Ivor! Ms. Bonnie is on a blind date!” 

Ivor bolted from his seat while Ged stopped pushing Floyd. Ged said embarrassedly, Ahem. That’s vital news. Why didn’t you say that earlier?” 

Floyd glanced at Ged sidelong while the latter feigned ignorance

Ivor pursed his lips and asked coldly, What happened?” 

Floyd could not afford to waste time on Ged and quickly explained, Mr. Flynn called me 

Chapter 407 


earlier. He went to Zephyr Cafe and saw Ms. Bonnie on a blind date with the owner’s son. He said they sounded like they were talking about getting married.” 

What?! Did Bonnie agree to marry the guy?!Ivor’s demeanor sent shivers down Ged and Floyd’s spines


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