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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 413

Chapter 413 

1 guess we’ll have to get engaged again.” 

Bonnie raised her brow with a hint of humor as she poked his chest and said, That depends on how you 

treat me.” 

She then turned and left with a smile

Ivor’s eyes lit up with excitement as he watched her leave. At that moment, his heart overflowed with love. After some time, he gathered his thoughts and ran over to hug her from behind. He rested his chin on her neck and felt a sense of longing

He loved her so much that he wished to become one with her. That way, she would belong to only him for eternity. Ivor’s chest pressed against Bonnie’s back, and she could feel his heartbeat. It showed her how 

much he loved her

Bonnie smiled and was in a cheerful mood. She said, Come on, let’s go to the greenhouse at your place. I’ll make you dinner.” 

I appreciate it, honey.Ivor could not stop smiling at her

Off, thatcheesy.” 

Meanwhile, a man hiding in a corner spoke into his phone, Bonnie is at the hospital, Mr. Josiah. However, a man is with her. I can’t do it yet.” 

Josiah’s brows furrowed as he asked, Is the man Master Jim, by any chance?” 

No, it’s a handsome young man. I think it’s her boyfriend.” 

That’s fine.Josiah sighed in relief. Keep following them until you get a chance. You know what to do.” 

Ten minutes later, the man called Josiah again That man is still with her. They’re driving to the countryside, so there won’t be many people here. It’s the perfect spot to do it.” 

Send me the location.” 

Got it. Check your phone, Mr. Josiah.” 

Josiah read the map and noticed a villa in the vicinity. He asked curiously, What are they doing at the Knightsterritory? Their villa is right there.” 

The man guessed, Are they trying to find a good spot on the hills to fight?” 

Josiah’s lips twitched. Do you always do this?” 

The man cleared his throat embarrassedly. Should we do it now, Mr. Josiah? My men are nearby. I didn’t want anyone to see them, so I told them to hang back a little. If you give the order, I’ll tell them to catch up to me now.” 

After some thought, Josiah said, Do it. People don’t usually pass by this area since it belongs to the 


Knights. No one will know what you did. Remember to cover your tracks. I don’t want people tracing it back to you guys


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