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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 432

Chapter 432 

Bonnie stopped him and asked, What are you doing?” 

II think this is a food allergy reaction.Thaddeus’s hand, which was still touching Vince’s face, started 


How did you know about that?She didn’t know about it herself until after she checked the little boy’s pulse

He took a deep breath before he looked at her solemnly. Did you give him the cheeseburger sliders? Were there tomatoes in them?” 

She was stunned. How do you know about that?” 

I knew it! I knew it!Thaddeus was overjoyed

He looked at Vince’s face, which was covered with rashes. However, Vince’s features gave Thaddeus enough information to know he was right

Bonnie and the rest did not have the foggiest idea of what he was getting at

What on earth has gotten over you, Thaddeus? Why do you look so happy?Ged asked

He pointed at Vince’s face before pointing at his own

Don’t you guys think he looks familiar?” 

Now that he pointed it out, they finally understood

Dang! IIs he your long lost brother?Ged was so shocked that he almost bit his tongue

It’s highly possible.” 

We live in a big world. Sometimes we meet strangers who look exactly like someone we know. Also, what are the freaking odds?” 

Thaddeus pointed at the rashes on the little boy’s face. I also have an allergy to tomatoes. Once, I almost died because I ate some of it.” 

Everyone fell silent immediately

Standing up, she said, Let’s put this aside for now. Vince is in a dire situation, and I don’t have the necessary medical equipment here. We have to send him to the hospital for an IV drip.” 

Okay!Thaddeus quickly carried the little boy in his arms to the ground floor

The Shermans stopped everything they were doing and rushed to the hospital as soon as they got news 

about Vince

Are you sure the little boy’s your brother, Thaddeus?Dominick was so overwhelmed that his hands couldn’t stop shaking

Chapter 432 


Thaddeus’s mother, Willow Sherman, was also very excited. Her eyes were completely red. Evidently, she 

cried on her way here

He looks exactly like me, and he had an allergic reaction because he ate some tomatoes. We’ll have to run some DNA tests to know for sure, though,he answered

However, he was pretty convinced that Vince was his younger brother

Dominick and Willow held each other and said, Heavens, please let the little boy be our son!” 

Not long after, the door to the emergency room swung open. Bonnie rolled the hospital bed out. 

Now that they had a chance to look at Vince, whose eyes were shut, both of them were pretty sure that they had found their longlost son

How’s he doing, Bonnie?” 

She took off her mask. I just ran a thorough body checkup for him and gave him the relevant treatment. We can be sure he had an allergy to tomatoes. He’s stabilized now.” 

Wonderful! That’s great. Thank the heavens!” 


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