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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 441

Chapter 441 


Yeah. I’m aware.Bonnie turned to Reece and said, I’m sorry, Professor Reece. I was away to deal with an urgent matter. That’s why I’m late to class.” 

Reece regarded her. She seemed so friendly and approachable that he wasn’t sure what to feel

What are you talking about? All of us saw you chatting with a security guard at the library. Are you swooning over him? Why don’t you guys get a hotel room already?Frankle lashed out at her

She looked at him coldly. She was about to say something when Reece roared furiously. That’s enough

Frankie! How could you say such filthy things in the lecture hall

I heard about your squabbles with Bonnie. It was not her fault, but you kept picking fights with her repeatedly. I want you to apologize to her right this instant. Otherwise, I’ll tell your dad about this and have him lecture you good and proper!” 

That stunned Frankie. Why would Reece defend Bonnie?‘ 

What a dumbass!Natalee cursed internally. The others might not know that Bonnie’s the new president

but I do

There was a big meeting this morning. Given Reece’s standing in the university, he must’ve joined in. He’s only defending Bonnie this much because he learned about her real identity.” 

Natalee had only gotten half of it right. Reece was this defensive about Bonnie because he also 

suspected that she could be someone far more important than everyone thought

What are you waiting for, Frankie? Apologize to her right now. Otherwise, you can leave the hall now!He gave the young man an ultimatum

Naturally, Frankie’s pride couldn’t let him do it. He left the lecture hall and found his dad immediately

Huh? Why aren’t you in class at this hour? What’s the matter?Corbin asked

You have to stand up for me, Dad!He gritted his teeth as his face turned red

What happened? Did anyone pick on you?” 

It’s Professor Reece! One of my classmates was late to class, and I brought it up to him. Not only did he 

let my 

classmate off, but he asked me to apologize to her. He told me to leave his class if I didn’t. Don’t you think that’s outrageous?!” 

Are you serious?” The story did not make sense to Corbin. Reece is known for being strict. How could he have done something like that?” 

Frankie put a hand on his chest and said, 1 swear, if I’m lying to you, then may Heaven curse me so that ! can’t bear any children in the future!” 

Why would you say something like that, you punk?!Corbin smacked his son on the head

Frankie rubbed his head. The point is, I’m telling you the truth. You can ask him about it if you doubt me!” 

Corbin looked at his son, exasperated. Then, he gave Reece a call and told him everything

So, that’s what my son said to me. What on earth is going on here, Reece? This isn’t like you at all!TM 

Reece was standing in the hallway with his phone. Do you have any idea who your son crossed?” 

That stunned Corbin. Is she some big cheese’s daughter or something?” 

Recce responded, “Her name’s Bonnie.” 

Good grief!” 


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