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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 444

Chapter 444 

Ruining someone’s future is wicked. Only the people who are rotten to the core can do something like this! You don’t have to go this far, Bonnie! I’m here, and I’m going to get her back to Pyralis University

If you’re not going to agree, I’ll get down on my knees in front of everybody!” 

The onlookers were muttering and pointing at Bonnie, but she simply stood where she was and remained unperturbed

On the other hand, Avril was so angry that her neck turned red. I’ve never seen a mother like you. This is entirely Trina’s fault. Instead of lecturing her, you’re trying to push everything on Bonnie again

“What did Bonnie do to deserve a family like the Shepards? How could you treat her like this?! Here’s a question for you. How would you feel if your own mom did this to you?” 

Vera wasn’t in the mood to listen to all of this. She merely stared at Bonnie and said, All I care about is if you’ll let Trina go back to Pyralis University!” 

Bonnie hated it when someone threatened her. With that said, it was her mother who was doing it this time. She wouldn’t have tolerated such impudence if it were anyone else

Fine! If you’re not going to do anything, then I guess I’ll have to do it!” 

Vera looked around her and noticed that there were many onlookers now. So, she gritted her teeth and 

decided she’d do it

However, her knees had just bent a little when a security guard wearing a mask dashed to her side and pulled her up, ruining her plans

Let me go right now! Don’t make me call the police!Vera roared

⚫Jim gripped her arms and didn’t let go. You’ve got some nerve stirring up trouble on our campus. Leave 

now. Otherwise, I’ll send you to the police myself.” 

Say what now? You’re nothing but a security guard. How will you justify sending me to the police?” 

How about harassing a student at Pyralis University? How does that sound?” 

Vera sneered and looked at Bonnie. I’m her mother. What do you think getting the police involved is going to achieve?” 

Didn’t you disown her? How could you claim to be her mother still?That was all it took for Jim to stump 


He brandished the stun baton and tried to intimidate her. Cut your crap and leave now!” 

Vera realized that she couldn’t mess with Jim

Fine. I’ll leave for now. A wise woman knows when to choose her battles. I’ll be back tomorrow. I’m going 

to bend her to my will eventually.” 

Chopin: 444 

Avril realized Vera was going to leave. Her eyes rolled, and then she called out to Vera


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