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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 463

Bonnie said, “Your opinion of me is too high. Still, I don’t intend to participate in the competition.”

‘Ivor is still suspicious of me, and I can’t let it continue. I must neutralize his suspicions completely.’

“Why not? Don’t you want to work at Bonita Research Institute?”

“Everyone has preferences. Also, Pyralis University has recruited exceptionally talented students from around the globe. The campus is full of extraordinary people. Why are you so confident I’ll win the competition if I participate?”

“I just know you will,” Ivor said confidently, “All right, let’s drop it. Is there anything else you want to eat? I’ll get it for you.”

He showed the perfect example of quitting while he was ahead. After all, Bonnie would probably stop talking to him if he kept prying.

Bonnie sighed in relief as she watched him leave to get her more food. She knew he was so smart that he would realize she was Ms. Bonita if she slipped up even once.

Two days had passed, and the Scientific Research Competition was about to begin. All newspapers and media focused on Pyralis University. Still in the hospital, Russell grinned from ear to ear as he watched the television.

“Hahaha! I was right to insist on Bonnie taking over my position! She’s the perfect successor. Now that our competition has become a hot topic throughout Arvandor, the president of Drungend University is probably crying. Our enrolment rate next year will set a new record! I’m excited just thinking about it!”

Suddenly, the door opened, and Elliana, the president of the Pyralian Pianists Association, entered. “You’re an old man, Russell. Stop getting so excited. The doctor said you can’t afford to get worked up. You can drop dead at any second if you keep it up.”


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