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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 47

Chapter 47

“Let’s just forget about that. It’s too much trouble.”

That brought the principal down. “You can go ahead and hang up now then.”

Bonnie remained quiet for a while before saying, “I have something important to tell you.”

“Have you changed your mind?”


“I’m going to hang up now.”

She remained quiet again. The principal might not be interested in what she had to say, but he didn’t hang up the phone either. “What is it?”

“Here’s a tip. Stop letting wealthy kids into your university through unconventional ways. It’s affecting your institution’s reputation.” Ged told her once that his grandfather was the principal of Pyralis University. He could pull some strings to get her in. Ivor had said the exact same thing too.

The principal wondered how Bonnie had the time to worry herself about something so trivial, but he nodded. “You’re right. I can no longer afford to turn a blind eye to this. The longer I ignore it, the more it’ll encourage people to enroll their children illegitimately,”

He gave the order to his men to take care of this matter. The university released an official announcement on their social media account.

“Pyralis University will screen its applicants more strictly…” The subtext was that no illegitimate

means would be tolerated.

This announcement shocked not only the city of Pyralis but the whole of Arvandor. It was true that it was no easy feat to enroll in Pyralis University, but they had always reserved three slots for those who were willing to pay.

get her

What was with the sudden change?

Ivor read the official announcement with a deep frown. He had just promised Bonnie he could. into that university. Now, it was going to be hard.

use their

This didn’t just affect Ivor. Every parent who wanted to pay their way to enrollment or use connections to get their children into university was worried sick. They were very concerned and tried to find out what on earth had happened.

Why the sudden change?

But nobody knew that it was because of Bonnie.

When Trina saw the news, she couldn’t have been happier about it. She had been a little worried that Dad and Mom would use some of their connections to enroll Bonnie into Pyralis University to protect


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