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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 472

“That’s hilarious!” Russell laughed heartily. “You fainted over a clay teapot. I wonder how humiliated you’ll be if this ever gets out.”

Sigmund retorted, “You know nothing! If you were a fellow collector, you would understand how much that teapot means to me!”

Bonnie was even more confused now. “Is it something special, Grandpa?”

Sigmund sighed and said, “Master Yandel made it. Back then, only three of his handiworks remained. Now, I think mine’s the only one left.”

Bonnie finally understood the older man’s reasons. “No wonder you cared about it so much.”

“Do you know about clay teapots as well?” Ivor asked.

She nodded and said humbly, “Just a little bit.”

He knew her well enough to decipher her subtext. It meant she was an expert in the area. She said, “Now that we’re talking about it, I also owned one of his clay teapots.”

As soon as Sigmund heard that, he got excited. “You have it?! Where is it now?”

“I gave it to someone else.”

The older man’s face fell. At that moment, something popped into Russell’s head, and he said, “I heard there will be a charity auction at Achork tomorrow. I think one of the items up for bid is a clay teapot. That said, I’m unsure of its origins.”

After leaving the hospital, Bonnie called Hamish, “I need you to go to a charity auction tomorrow and look out for a clay teapot.”

“I was just about to call you, Bonnie. One of the older members of my family passed away recently. I have to return to my hometown tonight. I’m sorry, but you’ll have to go to the auction yourself.”

“I’m sorry for your loss. Travel safe, okay?”

Before she hung up, Hamish said, “I almost forgot. You’ll have to wear a mask at the auction tomorrow. It’s the rules.”


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