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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 491

Ivor swiftly pulled Bonnie behind him.

"Let’s see who dares touch my woman!"

Steve stopped abruptly and shifted his gaze between Bonnie and Ivor.

"Uncle Steve, he's lying to you! Bonnie is not his girlfriend at all. He's just saying that to help Orpheus!"

Despite her words, Sienna was genuinely surprised. Ivor went to such lengths to assist Orpheus, publicly declaring Bonnie his woman and holding her in his arms.

Steve felt relieved by Sienna’s words.

"Mr. Ivor, this matter has nothing to do with you. Bonnie injured my niece, and this grudge must be settled."

Ivor narrowed his deep, unfathomable eyes and spoke coldly, "As I said, she's my woman. Let's see who dares to touch her."

"In that case, don’t blame me for being rude. How can the McLeod family remain strong in the military if this issue spreads? People will think they can bully us!”

Bonnie laughed and replied, "Clearly, the McLeod family picked a fight with me and brought so many people to bully just one person. It’s bad enough to gang up on someone, but to use pepper spray when you can’t win?

"You've turned me, the victim, into a villain. How can you lead soldiers to defend the country? You'll only tarnish the country's image. I have one word for you—embarrassing!"

Steve clenched his fists in anger. He said, "What a slick-mouthed girl! Watch how I tear your mouth apart today!"

"Floyd," Ivor called out lightly.


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