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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 497

Listening to Sienna's analysis, Leo felt it made sense.

"Alright, alright!" Sigmund was tired of their nonsense. "It seems that this matter won’t be resolved today. Let's go! We'll announce the severance of ties with the McLeod family!"

Although Leo knew that severing ties would harm both families, he couldn't bear to see his granddaughter being wronged.

Buzz! Buzz!

The sound of a vibrating phone filled the air. Upon seeing it was a superior's call, Leo’s face instantly became respectful. He picked up the call.


"Leo! How dare you allow your granddaughter to commit such a heinous crime?!"

Leo listened anxiously. "W-What happened?"

Seeing Leo's reaction, Sienna was filled with doubt. Her grandfather was a retired general, so what kind of call could elicit such an expression?

After seeing Leo answer the phone, Sigmund decided to stay and watch the show.

"What happened? Your granddaughter is audacious enough to mobilize troops and attack Ms. Bonita secretly!"

"What?!" Leo exclaimed, jumping up from his chair in shock. His hands trembled as he hung up the phone.

‘Ms. Bonita? B-Bonnie?! Oh no! Is that why her name sounded familiar? Three years ago, before I retired, I had the honor of protecting Ms. Bonita once. Could it be…?’

As Leo considered this, he glanced at Sigmund, who exuded confidence and confirmed his thoughts.


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