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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 506

“You’ve got to be afraid of something?”

“I’ve been an orphan ever since I was young. I’ve got no family or friends. All I had to do was look after myself. What was there to be afraid of? If anything, I’m scared of failing my mission and having the rest of the troops laugh at me.”

‘This is the first time I've encountered someone this tricky. I have a hunch Keenan doesn’t think of Bonnie that way. He is just trying to keep her safe.

‘That’s the only reason I’m letting someone as insolent as him keep breathing.’

“I’ve had it up to her, guys.”

The more they argued, the worse her headache got. ‘I think I know why Jim picked Keenan to take his place. He’s quite a skillful fighter, but more importantly, he’s as stubborn and headstrong as Jim.’

“You don’t have to stay in the same room as me when I’m sleeping, Keenan, nor do you have to guard my bedroom door. You can stay in the room next to mine or across the hallway.”

“I can’t do that. If we lived in different rooms, it would impede my ability to save you. What happens if you're in a pinch if I can’t get to you in time? Is it because you don’t believe in my integrity?”

Then, he raised three fingers and swore an oath. “I swear I won’t harbor any dirty thoughts toward you. If I so much look funny at you, then may the Heavens send down a great thunderbolt and strike me so I may die a horrible death.”

“That’s not enough.” Ivor chimed in, “You’re not bothered by death. So, why would you be afraid of a thunderbolt? Or, for that matter, why would you be bothered by a horrible death?”

“Well. What would you have me swear?”

Ivor pondered on it and directed his gaze downward as he stared at Keenan. “Let’s do this the right way. If you have dirty thoughts about Bonnie, then you won’t be able to get it up anymore. How about that?”

Keenan remained quiet for a few seconds.

“How’s that the right way to do it?”

Holding her forehead, she rubbed her eyebrows. Her expression grew stern when she looked at Keenan.


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