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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 515

“It’s because Sienna mobilized the army without authority. She did it to get back at me, a normal citizen. Her grandfather is a retired general. Once he heard about it, he punished her severely. If you don’t believe me, I can always ask him to make an official announcement.”

Bonnie’s explanation was so earth-shattering that everyone’s jaws hit the ground. The onlookers and livestream viewers broke into intense discussions about the revelation.

“S-Sienna mobilized an army without proper authority? How dare she do something like that, not to mention she did it to deal with an ordinary citizen!”

“Frankly, it doesn’t matter if Bonnie’s at fault. Sienna should’ve never done something like that.”

“Sienna’s grandfather even punished her. Who’s the idiot that made us believe she slapped Sienna?”

“Wait a minute! Can’t you guys see that Bonnie is tricking us? That’s just her version of the story. She didn’t back it up with any evidence. Will you guys just believe everything she said?”

A moment later, the former general, Leo, made an official announcement online, “I apologize for using the public resources. However, I feel the need to clarify something. I punished my granddaughter, Sienna. The fault is hers alone.”

The onlookers could not believe what they saw.

“The former general represents our nation. If he’s making a statement, that proves Bonnie wasn’t lying. She’s telling the truth.”

“Although that’s possible, we can’t be sure. Perhaps Sienna tweeted her picture because she knew she’d been missing for a few days and wanted to tell us she was safe. Didn’t she wear a mask and a bucket hat to hide the bruises? If she wanted to set Bonnie up, why would she try so hard to cover it up?”

As Sienna read the comments, she was glad Adele reminded her to cover some of her bruises. Otherwise, it would have been too obvious, and the public would have called her out immediately.

As the onlookers discussed the situation, a Maybach quietly stopped at the mall entrance. However, the car was so luxurious that it attracted much attention. Once the handsome and irresistible Ivor emerged from the vehicle, the crowd could not look away.


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