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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 520

Everyone berated Harold and Yolanda, who blushed.

Then, he gritted his teeth and stubbornly walked over to Orson.

“I guess you’re so busy that you forgot about us, Master Orson. I’m the former head of the Shepard family. My name’s Harold. You came to my birthday party. You greeted me, and we chatted a lot. Have you forgotten about that?”

“Hmph!” Orson grunted coldly. “I didn’t want to start anything with you. That’s why I ignored you and walked past you earlier. I didn’t bet on you being so shameless that you even tried to converse with me!”

“Well. I…” He was about to say something, but Orson cut him off.

“You Shepards have disowned Master Bonnie. What makes you think you can pretend to be my friend?”

Orson has seen many winters. He is usually mature, friendly, and understanding. He wouldn’t have spoken so aggressively if he wasn’t severely infuriated.

Harold was slack-jawed. His ears were ringing as well.

‘Bonnie? Is that why Orson is treating me this coldly?’

“B-Bonnie has got you fooled, Master Orson. She only knows run-of-the-mill shadowboxing skills. She’s far from being a master!”

“That’s right!” Yolanda went along with her husband. “She has stayed in our villa for several years now. Don’t you think we know better than anyone about her capabilities?

“If her shadowboxing skills were so immaculate and worthy of becoming a master, then why wouldn’t she have boasted about it to us much earlier?”

Orson continued to speak coldly. “She didn’t boast about it because she prefers to keep a low profile. Do you think all youngsters are that superficial? Let me tell you guys something about geniuses and highly gifted people. They have every right to show off their capabilities but ultimately choose to maintain a low profile.

“If you aren’t happy about what I said, look no further than Ms. Bonita. She’s young, too, but she has never shown her true face in public or the media. Why do you think that is? It’s because she’s modest!”

“U-Um… Bonnie is good for nothing. How could you compare her with Ms. Bonita, who’s brimming with exceptional talents, Master Orson? Do you realize you’re humiliating Ms. Bonita?”

“Say what now?” Orson laughed heartily. “If Ms. Bonita is here and sees Bonnie’s shadowboxing skill today, I’m sure she’ll give her a big thumbs up and compliment her!”


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