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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 526

“Unroll the painting.”

“Copy, Ms. Bonnie.”

Floyd gave the order for the bodyguards to do so immediately.

Kobe knew that he’d be the joke the moment he saw Floyd greet Bonnie.

‘This explains why she could tell my painting is a fake. It turns out she’s extremely close to the head of the Knight family. Of course she could see Kieran’s painting whenever she wanted to. Otherwise, she couldn't have been so sure that my painting was fake.’

After the painting Floyd brought was unrolled, everyone compared both of the paintings in the area that Bonnie pointed out. As expected, there was a subtle difference between them.

Similar thoughts ran through everyone’s heads. ‘Truth be told, no one would’ve been able too catch the difference unless they inspected it closely with a magnifying glass. How did Bonnie see it exactly?’

The art exhibition came to a close and Orson saw her out with a smile on his face.

“I’m very curious about something, Ms. Bonnie. I’d appreciate it greatly if you could clarify it for me.”

“There’s no need to speak so formally, Orson. Go ahead.”

“Alright, then. I’ll get straight to the point. I don’t think you could’ve told that Kobe’s painting was a fake, even if you stared at Master Kieran’s painting every day.

“If I’m correct, this isn’t about you gluing your eyeballs to Master Kieran’s painting in the Knight Villa every single day. There’s more to it.”

Orson didn’t form his theory out of thin air, either. After all, Kobe spent a hundred and eighty million dollars on it. His rival must’ve spent a long time studying it and only bought once he was sure the painting was authentic.

Moreover, she was able to see that Kobe’s painting was a fake in less than a minute.

“That’s why I deduced that you’re very intimate with Master Kieran’s works. D-Do you know her in person, Ms. Bonnie?”

She raised her delicate brows and looked at him.

‘I didn’t think Orson is still this logical and calm. It took him a short time to analyze the situation in this meticulous manner.’


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