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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 53

Chapter 53

Bonnie had a full score on the SATs! That meant she was going to win the Best Scholar Award!

Everyone was rooted to the spot and could not move an inch. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

“No, no, no. This can’t be true. I must have typed in the wrong information. This has to be someone else’s score,” Fernanda stuttered and stared at the big screen.

But Bonnie’s name was displayed on the big screen, clear as day.

Maybe it was a different person with the same name?

Fernanda dismissed the thought as soon as it popped up. Trina had given her the student ID. It had to

be Bonnie.

Trina was enraged. She clenched her hands on her outfit.

Impossible… What gave Bonnie the right? How could she get a perfect score? Bonnie was supposed to be a nobody, someone she could insult for an eternity!

“Have we underestimated Bonnie?” Hadwin had a complicated expression on his face.

Trina turned her head toward him and watched as his eyes traveled from the big screen to Bonnie. There was no longer disdain in his eyes. Instead, he was scanning her with mild interest.

Trina was agitated and full of hate. She had jumped through hoops to nab Hadwin from Bonnie and she wasn’t about to let Bonnie take him away from her!

Awesome, Bonnie. This is really surprising. You said Bonnie always skipped classes and flunked her tests, Hadwin. How do you think she managed to pull this off?”

Trina deliberately put it in a way that would mislead Hadwin. Just like that, he looked at her smugly

and said, “I’m guessing she cheated. She’s a nobody. How else could she have won the Best Scholar Award? The authorities will probably get her very soon to revoke her status as the winner and ban her

“Are you going to buy whatever Trina throws at you? What do you think the SATs are? Do you think


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