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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 553

Bonnie’s eyes widened in surprise. She did not need to turn around to know who it was. Simultaneously, she knew who Leo was referring to when he mentioned the representative of the nation’s economy.

On the other hand, Jim lost his composure and let his emotions show. His eyes darkened as he repeatedly looked between Bonnie and Ivor, his heart pounding.

‘Why is he here?!’

Leo smiled at Ivor and said, “No apologies necessary. The traffic is pretty bad right now.”

He glanced at Bonnie and thought, ‘I used to think Ivor doted on her because he knew about her real identity. Now, I know that isn’t the case.’

Ivor nodded at the older man before facing Bonnie. “We meet again, Ms. Bonita.”

‘I can’t explain it, but I felt like I knew her when I saw her at the latest nanomaterial press conference. Now that I’m standing before her, that feeling is growing stronger.’

Bonnie did not look at Ivor but could sense him staring at her. She wondered if he was suspicious of her.

“Let’s move,” she said as she stepped forward. However, she was so distracted that she did not watch where she was going and stumbled.

“Watch out!” Since Ivor stood closest to her, he reacted swiftly and held her arms. Her skin spurred that familiar feeling again. This time, it was so strong that Ivor instinctively tightened his grip.


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