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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 562

Bonnie raised her brow and looked at Sienna with approval.

‘Now that’s what a McLeod is supposed to look like! It proves I was right in thinking she’s not beyond help. At least she’s faithful regarding the nation.’

“All right, then. You’ll protect me while we’re here.”

Sienna almost cried tears of joy when she heard Bonnie’s response. “D-Does that mean I’ve earned your respect?”

‘Perfect, I won the bet against Bonnie!’

Bonnie noticed Sienna trying to suppress her triumphant laughter and guessed the latter’s thoughts. Bonnie remarked, “I understand you’ve done many heinous things in the past. Worse, you even mobilized the army to attack a civilian a while ago.”

Sienna panicked. “Th-there’s a reason for that. You see—”

“It doesn’t matter. You must own up to your mistakes, regardless,” Bonnie said sternly.

Sienna balled her fists and sighed. “You’re right. I have a reason, but Grandpa already lectured me about it. I admit I went overboard.”

Bonnie nodded in satisfaction. “What matters is you learn from your mistakes. That’s the most we can ask from anyone. I hope you change and improve so you never repeat your mistakes.”


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