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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 570

Sienna roared, “If you believe me, why aren’t you even worried?!”

Bonnie replied casually, “That’s because you’re more agitated than I am. I don’t have to beg because I know you’ll lose patience and tell me about it.”

‘Dear God, please strike Bonnie down with thunder! I’ve had enough of her. If we weren’t outside, I’d scream!’

“Fine, you win! Still, your smugness will disappear once I tell you what it is. Ivor has fallen in love with someone else.” Sienna stared at Bonnie. The former could not wait to see Bonnie break down in despair and sorrow.

On the contrary, Bonnie glanced at her casually and said, “Gee, where’s the rest of the information? Who did he fall in love with?”

‘Gah! Keep pretending! Let’s see how long you can keep it up, Bonnie!’

“I saw Ivor and Ms. Bonita flirting with each other during the conference. He even dragged her into a room—they were there for a long time. Hahaha! They were alone, too. What do you think they did inside?”

After some thought, Bonnie said solemnly, “Maybe they were discussing work.”

“Hahaha! Stop lying to yourself, Bonnie. Are you trying to make me laugh?” Sienna cackled.

“Watch out!” Bonnie immediately pushed her aside.

“What’s wrong with—” Before Sienna could finish, she saw a masked man holding a knife and slashing at where she stood a second ago.

Then, more masked men jumped out of their hiding spots. Sienna scrambled to her feet and stood beside Bonnie, asking, “Are they your enemies?”

Bonnie tied her hair back and said, “He attacked you earlier. I think they’re your enemies.”


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