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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 578

‘The only thing I can do now is give Bonnie some space to work through her feelings,’ Jim thought, ‘Given the current situation, soothing her won’t help her.’

This was the first time Sienna had seen Bonnie this riled up.

‘She doesn’t let her worries and agitation show, but I can feel how anxious she is. She is Ms. Bonita, after all. Her calm demeanor is extraordinary.’

Several days had passed since Ivor’s abduction. Bonnie had exhausted all her connections to track Ivor down, but she turned up with nothing. Even Jim and Floyd sent their men out, but none returned with good news.

It was heart-wrenching. Bonnie was so worried about Ivor that she couldn’t eat. It had only been a few days, but she had grown much skinnier.

Jim and Bonnie were sitting at the dining table. He watched as she moved her food around halfheartedly. He sighed and said, “You have to eat something. How else will you keep up your energy?”

She sighed even louder than he did. “Forget about it. I’ve lost my appetite. Take it away.”

She pushed the plate away, which he pushed back to her. “Have some of it, Bonnie. How will you search for Ivor on an empty stomach?”

“I mean it. I’ve lost my appetite.” She shook her head.

Instead of persuading her, he said, “It looks like you’re in love with him.”


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