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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 582

"Okay," Bonnie replied, "I'll get some snacks to go with the drinks."

Jim quickly returned and found a large number of snacks arranged on the table. Bonnie herself made some, while others were in takeout boxes.

Placing the wine next to the snacks, Jim smiled and asked Bonnie, "Why did you prepare so many? Is someone else coming?"

"No, just the two of us." Bonnie sat down across from him. "Since we rarely drink, let's drink heartily."

After opening the bottle of wine, Bonnie poured glasses for herself and Jim and then raised her glass.

"Today, we must drink until we are thoroughly wasted! Cheers!"

Jim rarely drank alcohol, so he could protect Bonnie. But Bonnie could not get in trouble now that Leo and the McLeod family's elite forces were protecting her.

Furthermore, Bonnie had been feeling terrible lately, and she had not eaten properly in several days. She wanted him to accompany her for a drink, so he would.

He believed those negative feelings would be forgotten after a restful night's sleep.

With this in mind, Jim raised his glass and clinked it against Bonnie's. "Cheers!"

After finishing the wine from the cellar, Jim was drunk and slumped onto the table. Except for a small blush on her cheeks, Bonnie showed no signs of drunkenness.

"I can't go on. I need to sleep for a while." As soon as Jim's voice fell, his head dropped with his eyes closed, and he fell asleep.


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