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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 590


Auguste barely uttered a word before the itchiness engulfed him, leaving him no choice but to stand in place and scratch incessantly. Tyree and the other masked individuals all pointed their guns at Bonnie.

"She drugged Mr. Auguste and must be captured!"

Everyone echoed, "Yes!"

As they approached, Bonnie immediately made a gesture to stop them.

"Don't rush. Let me kindly inform you that no one in this world besides me can cure the poison in Mr. Auguste. If you make me unhappy, Mr. Auguste will be in trouble."

Despite the bloodstains on Auguste's body from scratching, he refused to bow down to Bonnie. "Do you think your words can threaten us?"

Bonnie smiled. "I believe you've heard of the famous Arvandor physician, Dr. Fanelli Bonaldi, right?"

Auguste felt a sense of foreboding.

"I have, but what does she have to do with this?"

Bonnie's smile widened.

"You just mentioned my expertise in toxicology. Now, why would I bring up Dr. Fanelli Bonaldi? Can't you guess my intentions?"

Realizing Bonnie's implication, Auguste's eyes widened in shock and disbelief. “You... could it be... you..."


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