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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 614

Harold had called the rest of his family on his way home. They dropped what they were doing and rushed back home.

Vera recalled what Harold told her and was so skeptical that she could not accept the information. “Are you sure Bonnie is Master Kieran?”

Yolanda grimaced with anger when she heard Bonnie’s name. The former replied in exasperation, “When have Harold and I ever lied to you?”

Vera did not know how to respond for a moment. Then, she grumbled, “Bonnie has done nothing but stir up trouble when she stayed with us. That brat has done nothing to make me happy. How is she suddenly the most prestigious painter? That’s— How is that possible?”

Vera was not the only one thinking that. The whole family shared her sentiment and thought the entire thing was inconceivable. Still, they had to accept that Bonnie was Kieran.

Grant said, “How superior or prestigious Bonnie is now doesn't matter. Our blood flows through her. With that in mind, we must ask her to make us a painting. She won’t reject us if we put aside our pride.”

Harold swept his gaze across his family before focusing on Gresham and Vera. “You two know Bonnie never listens to anything we say! That said, I won’t leave it at that. We must do what we can. Maybe we can turn it around somehow.

“You two are her parents, so you’re closer to her than we are. You probably stand a better chance of convincing her than we do. You should ask her to make us a painting.”

Gresham froze as various emotions overwhelmed him. “I-I can’t do that! I announced on Twitter that I’ll never talk to her again.”

Harold gazed at Vera and wanted to say something, but she shook her head and spoke first, “I can’t do it either. Back in Pyralis University, I swore before everyone that I would stop bugging Bonnie. Her friend even recorded the whole thing.”

The couple exchanged glances and sighed simultaneously.


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