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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 616

Before Trina could explain herself, Fernanda pointed at her and said disdainfully, “Trina’s still a country bumpkin at her core. Although a wealthy family raised her, it didn’t help with the despicable way she handled things.

“Bonnie’s a different case. She attained impressive achievements because of our family’s genes, unlike a certain brat from the countryside.

“Trina could exert as much effort as possible, but she doesn’t have the family’s blood in her veins. She will always fall short, no matter what she does.”

Fernanda took a step closer to Trina, the former’s eyes full of hatred. “It’s all your fault, Trina! Your parents disowned Bonnie, who’s nothing short of excellent, because of you! Otherwise, she would’ve used her talents to make us a painting. That alone could’ve elevated our status.

“However, that didn’t happen because of you! I would’ve sent you back to the countryside if it were up to me. Then, you wouldn’t have ruined us!”

Trina panicked when she heard they might send her back to the countryside. After all, she had gotten used to living a wealthy life and could not live a rural one. So, she tried to find a way to save herself.

She ran to her grandparents and kneeled, begging tearfully, “I didn’t mean to do anything like that! It was all Bonnie’s fault. She has always disliked me, and I even overheard her calling me a bastard. She said I carried the rowdy genes of country folks.

“Bonnie also called me filthy and thought I didn’t deserve to breathe the same air she did. I-I tried to make her happy and befriend her, but she detested me because I was born from country folks. I-I tried everything I could, but nothing worked.”

Vera and Gresham began to suspect their daughter to be a scheming punk when they heard Fernanda’s explanation. However, they relaxed a little after Trina’s spiel.

Gresham thought, ‘I knew there was a reason for Trina’s actions. If Fernanda’s right, I would’ve learned about it long ago. Vera and I aren’t fools. We wouldn’t make such a ridiculous mistake.’

Immediately after, he and his wife noticed Fernanda rolling her eyes at Trina. “What a load of crap, Trina. Why would Bonnie remain connected to her countryside parents if that's true? I know her folks built the largest house in the village.

“They even have a farm to breed ducks and chickens. I heard they also own a fruit orchard. They’re living the best life in the countryside, not to mention Benedict, your biological brother. He works at Tang Fusion Studios as Hamish’s apprentice.


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