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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 619

“Your intentions are so clear that I can see it from outer space. Do you honestly think I don’t know what you’re scheming at?”

Grant was so angry at how she retorted to him that he gnashed his teeth. However, Bonnie was a great asset to the Shepard family. So, he concealed his feelings and continued to convince her.

“You’re misunderstanding me, Bonnie. We’re doing this because we want you to repair your relationship with your parents. There’s no other agency here.”

“Are you kidding me?” She couldn’t help but see the absurd irony in this. If Gresham and the others meant to welcome me back to the family, why didn’t they talk to me themselves?

“With that said, I’ll never agree to it even if they came here. As far as I’m concerned, they’re no longer my parents.

“Who do you think you guys are? What makes you think you could just show yourself here and try to trick me? Where did you guys feel confident I would agree to your terms?”

What she said hit home. She had exposed his greed for fame and wealth. That was why his face turned red at once.

“You have no respect for your elders, Bonnie! It doesn’t matter how much you achieve in life. It’ll never change the fact that you’re a rebellious and disrespectful punk.”

“Pfft!” She couldn’t help but laugh. Then, she leaned in close to him with humor in her eyes. “I reserve my respect for people who deserve it. Do you think you guys deserve to be respected? You guys are nothing but pieces of trash!”

“Who are you calling a piece of trash?!” His face turned even redder with rage.

“You responded to me. I guess you’re it.”

“Stop acting cockily and think so highly of yourself, Bonnie! I’m telling you…” Before he could finish his sentence, she cut him off.

“I don’t need to hear it. You should hurry back to Harold and the gang and stop thinking about getting me to rejoin the family. Otherwise, I’ll be forced to post what they said in the live stream onto the internet and play it on a loop.

“Also, I’ve asked someone to record everything you said earlier. We’ll put all of it up on the internet and let people see how shameless you Shepards are.”

At the next moment, his gaze followed where she pointed. It was true. Avril was waving her phone at them.

There was more. Avril even smiled widely and gestured to Bonnie that she got everything.


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