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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 629

The next day, Bonnie had just woken up when she received Orpheus’s call.

“We’re shooting a fighting scene now, Bonwick, but the director wasn’t sure if what we shot was good enough. He asked me to give you a call and ask you to come over since you’re the original author.”

“Sure thing. I’d just woken up, though. So, give me a minute. I’ll be there once I’ve changed.” Slipping out of her bed, she went over to the bathroom to freshen up.

He chuckled. “It’s okay, Bonwick. Take it easy. We can always shoot other scenes while we wait for you.”

“Alright.” She responded and hung up the phone.

Half an hour later, her car pulled over by the film set entrance. The director himself came outside to welcome her.

“You’re finally here, Ms. Bonnie. I need some pointers. What should I do to capture the flawless and impactful scene from the original novel? We shot a few of these scenes, but I just can’t get the feel right. It fell short of my expectations.”

“Have them reenact the scene again. I need to see it before I can offer suggestions.” She sat down behind the cameras.

“Okay.” The director barked orders to everyone in the film set with a megaphone. “Ready yourselves, people. Get yourself into your roles. The cameras will be rolling in five.”

The actors and actresses went to the side to prepare themselves mentally.

Some of the extras glanced at her and started discussing her.

“Is she the most famous and successful author in the literary industry? Is she Jane? She’s so young and beautiful.”

“You said it. Her writing style is so mature that I used to think that she was an old lady. I didn’t think she’d be younger than I am.”

“She could’ve earned money using her exquisite looks, but she chose to rely on her talent instead. I have to say that I envy her very much.”

They were in the middle of the discussion when they saw Orpheus giving Bonnie breakfast.


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