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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 644

Bonnie sat on the bed and said, "This is so sudden. Why didn't you notify me so I could be prepared?"

"It's not sudden. I had arranged it long ago. Just pack your things and follow me. If you don't want to pack, I can do it for you. It's hot now, so bring some light clothes and sunscreen," Ivor said as he opened Bonnie's closet and started packing for her.

Bonnie watched as Ivor was about to open the drawer where she kept her delicates. She quickly got out of bed, ran to the closet, and stopped him.

"I'll pack myself. There's no need for you to help me. You go pack your stuff."

Seeing Bonnie's hurried movements, Ivor smiled faintly when he realized.

"Alright, you pack. I'll go to my room to pack my things."

"Yeah, go ahead." Bonnie waved her hand. She then lowered her head to organize the clothes she needed.

Ivor watched Bonnie for a bit while standing motionless, and then he reluctantly turned away and left the room.

Ivor and Bonnie left early the following day and made it to Verdant Valley Retreat before lunchtime.

As Bonnie took in the stunning environment, she couldn't resist pulling out her phone and snapping several photos.

"The scenery here is really nice."

Seeing Bonnie taking photos, Ivor shamelessly stood in front of her camera. "Honey, take a few shots of me too."

"I'm taking pictures of the scenery. What are you doing butting in?" Bonnie said, but she still raised her phone and took two pictures of Ivor.

"Done, take a look. How are they?" Bonnie immediately showed him the photos on her screen.

"Not bad at all. Honey, you're really good at taking pictures."

"Stop flattering me." Bonnie glanced around and noticed several cars queuing up behind them.

She turned back to Ivor. "This isn't a parking spot. Go find the parking lot, and I'll wait for you at the entrance."


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