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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 652

“Where are you taking me, and why did it take you this long to prepare?”

Ivor turned to look at Bonnie mysteriously and said, “You’ll find out soon. I’m almost done, so go and change into a coat. We’ll hit the road once you’re ready.”

Bonnie glanced at the black rucksack lying before him. She could not help but grumble, “Where are we going? Why must I wear a coat?”

Although she was perceptive, Ivor had prepared various surprises for her. She had no idea where he was about to take her.

“It’s cold at night. You’ll catch a cold if you don’t wear one. What will we do then?” Ivor said while rummaging through a rucksack. He then handed her an apricot-colored coat. “This should do. It’ll go well with your outfit today.”

Bonnie stopped asking questions and put on the coat. Then, she realized Ivor was wearing a short-sleeved shirt. “Aren’t you going to wear a coat? What’ll we do if you catch a cold?”

“I’m a tough man who doesn’t need coats or umbrellas.” He smiled.

Bonnie’s lips twitched as she said, “Suit yourself.”

Ivor put the rucksack on his back and took another bag before turning to Bonnie and asking, “Are you ready? We’re leaving now.”

“I’ll go tie my hair back and freshen up first. Give me a minute.” She entered the room and came out soon after, saying, “All right, let’s go.”

As the couple walked, Ivor suddenly stopped and said, “Hold on. I think I left something important behind.”

Bonnie turned to look at him. “What was it?”

“It’s a secret,” Ivor responded as he put down the bag. “Stay put, and I’ll be back before you know it.”


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