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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 661

Bonnie rubbed her brows and yawned. “I don’t want to walk anywhere. Let’s just go home and rest. So many things happened last night.”

“All right, we’ll go home if that’s what you want.” Although Ivor felt slightly disappointed, he still held her hand and walked to the car.

Then, he took her arm and said warmly, “You’re tired, right? Here, lean on my shoulder and get some shut-eye. I’ll wake you up when we’re there.”

Bonnie did not argue. She leaned on his shoulder and got comfortable before slowly closing her eyes. “Thanks, Ivor.”

“You don’t have to thank me.” He leaned in and said affectionately, “I’ll do anything for you.”

Bonnie grunted and smiled in response. Ivor patted her shoulder and softly said, “I’ll let you sleep now.”

“Mhm,” Bonnie responded and fell asleep in no time.

Several minutes later, Ivor noticed she was sound asleep. He said hushedly to Floyd, who was driving, “Go slowly and avoid any bumps you see.”

“You got it, Mr. Ivor.” Floyd slowed down and drove steadily for the rest of the journey. They did not even run into any bumps along the way, allowing Bonnie to sleep throughout the trip.

It was almost noon when they reached Pyralis. However, Bonnie still felt a little tired from the trip. So, she returned to her room to sleep again.

Meanwhile, Ivor went to his study to review the documents that had accumulated during his two-day absence. He was reading the documents when he noticed the ring Bonnie had given him.


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