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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 671

“What did the students say in these letters, Ms. Bonnie? Why are there so many of them?”

“Yeah, I thought we did well with the student affairs. Are the students unhappy with us? I’ve never seen so many letters.”

“It’s a first for me, too. I’ll have to reflect on the parts I didn’t do well.”

The professors and upper management were pretty worked up over the anonymous letters. So, Bonnie looked at them and said, “Stay calm, everyone. It isn’t about you. These letters are about the issues concerning the cafeteria. Read the letters first, and I’ll tell you the specifics afterward.”

“Okay, Ms. Bonnie,” everyone responded unanimously, lowering their heads to read the letters.

Once everyone finished reading the letters, Bonnie said, “These students are concerned about the hygiene and freshness of the food and ingredients. I’m sure you know we’ve outsourced our cafeteria to Stardust Empire.

“None of our staff participated in it. If this many students are complaining about the food, it means it has become a serious issue. If we ignore it, it’ll compromise the university’s reputation. That’s why we must send someone to investigate.”

Bonnie raised her brows and swept her gaze across the room. “Now, who’s willing to take up the task?”

The top management staff and professors exchanged glances. Then, they lowered their heads in embarrassment. Bonnie could not blame them for reacting that way, either. After all, the Robsons supported the Stardust Empire.

The Robsons were one of the wealthiest and most powerful families in Pyralis. None of the professors or management staff would survive offending them, so no one wanted to take on the task.


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