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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 673

Bonnie gave him a sidelong glance and got into the car. “Drive.”

“Y-Yes, Ms. Bonnie!” Floyd stuttered and sighed in relief.

‘She so imposing and frightening! I should watch my mouth and refrain from teasing her next time. Ms. Bonnie’s demeanor resembles Mr. Ivor’s. I’ll struggle to continue working for them.’

An hour later, Bonnie reached the Knights’ villa and entered the living room. She saw Ivor and asked, “Floyd told me you were busy today. How are you home before me?”

“I quickly finished my work to have dinner with you,” Ivor responded warmly. Then he turned and told the housekeepers to take something off the wall.

Bonnie was curious about what it was. She approached Ivor and saw the housekeepers removing Kieran’s painting from the wall.

Ivor watched them take down the painting and reminded them, “Be careful packing it up, and don’t bump it into anything.”

“Understood, Mr. Ivor,” one of the housekeepers responded respectfully before packing the painting into a box. He was cautious with it, too.

Bonnie asked, “Why are you taking it down and keeping it?”

“The university is hosting an exhibition soon, right? Someone informed me to contribute part of my collection. I chose Master Kieran’s painting because I thought it fits perfectly.”

“Oh, so that’s what you’re doing,” Bonnie said nothing further, but her gaze lingered on the painting.

Ivor noticed it and asked, “What’ is it? Do you like the painting?”


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