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I Love You, Miss Genius (Bonnie Shepard and Ivor Knight) novel Chapter 683

Ivor’s body went stiff and his eyes closed instinctively.

Bonnie stared at him. He was completely frozen with fear. Tucking her silver needles away, she threw her head back and laughed heartily.

He heard her crisp laughter in the air and opened his eyes slowly.

She was laughing her heart out before him. Every burst of laughter that escaped her captivated him.

His eyes were slowly filled with gloom.

Taking brisk steps toward her, he pulled her into his arms and pinched her nose, punishing her. “You’re becoming more mischievous, Bonnie. How dare you scare me with the needles?”

“And you completely bought it. Who would’ve known?” She was laughing so hard that she was having trouble breathing.

He had looked like he was about to go to war. It was simply hilarious.

Ivor grunted and smirked in response. “Go on. Laugh while you can. I’m going to make sure you’re laughing harder in a second.”

“What are you talking about?”

Suddenly, she had a bad feeling about what was going to happen next. Then, she started squirming, trying to break free of his clutches.

Before she could succeed, he started tickling her intensely.

Tickling had always been her weakness. Now, he was tickling her so much that she kept laughing hard. She couldn’t have stopped it if she wanted to.

“Stop…! Cut it out, now.”

He actually started tickling her more intensely until they ended up on the couch.


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